Monday, 22 August 2011
There was little or no risk of getting any sleep last night as there was a very noisy party going on somewhere close by, I know most of the local bands ,and most of the D. J’s this lot I did not recognise and I hope they came with a health warning. This noisy ensemble disguised their paltry talent in the usual way...TOO MUCH BASE ! It is time that these rowdy no hoper’s were subject to some kind of regulation.
Before being let loose upon an unsuspecting public a little more musical ability than the knowledge of a few chords should be necessary, these days it seeks that the more amplifiers a group has the worse they play. Last night I thought that they wee taking a long time to tune up only to discover that they were half way through a set............had they not announced what they were going to play next I would have been hard pressed to have guessed, as for the singer, he was more like Freddie Parrot Face Davies than Freddie Mercury, bloody awful!
Around six thirty a convoy of pantechnicon s arrived loaded with furniture for the house opposite, they made the devil of a racket shunting up and down and then the drivers proceeded to hold a shouting contest that lasted for well over an hour, long before then I had given up trying to sleep and was in the kitchen baking the days bread.
It was as I was kneading the dough that I became aware of a loud clanking and crashing sound accompanied by the occasional profanity that I realised that the scaffoldings had arrived at the church. The lead has been stolen again and is to be replaced after much fund raising.
Soldiering on in spite of a splitting headache I organised breakfast and was just laying the table when a friend arrived to join us, now that is what I like, someone who knows when to arrive. We ate a jovial meal and he commented on the amount of noise at that moment their was a loud crash, a shriek and a mouthful of very picturesque language, someone must have dropped a clanger. Our guest departed and I set about clearing the kitchen and then delivered a loaf to a friend a the garden centre.
On the return journey I picked almost three pounds of rose hips, a prickly sort of job the effects of which I shall be feeling for days to come! These with six pounds of apples will make a very tasty jelly for the store cupboard and for the fĂȘte on Sunday, as the fruit bubbled in the pan I prepared the meat and vegetables for a roast dinner, our first for weeks. Roast pork with all the trimming was chosen by the boys and I did as I was told, it was a lovely change after weeks of pasta and salads.
When ever I had a spare moment I wrote and sent our thank you e mails to those who helped us to sort out the cooker problem ad notes of another sort to those who did not! Just when I thought that I was getting ahead of the game the buggy repair man arrived to fit the batteries, now reclaimed and I began to wonder if I should ever have the time for a coffee. Hopefully I asked him if he would like one, he refused and so without an excuse to make one I carried on working and before I knew it it was five thirty and I was serving our meal.
I had meant to make h banners for our fĂȘte which I was told on Saturday would be next Sunday, that does not give me long to make the blessed things leave alone get them up in time to advertise this forthcoming extravaganza. They will have to be done tomorrow and that is that!
Tonight my son returns to work, brave soul, I would rather walk naked through the fires of hell that do his job as things stand.
Tonight I intend to sleep, I have procured some earplugs, some herbal sleeping pills and a bottle of gin, one or all of which should work...I hope
Although there have not been enough hours in the day to do all I would have wished I do seem to have achieved quite a lot and though tired I feel that I have made the most of the day. Now a hot bath beckons and my snug bed, the cat has forgiven me at last and Pa gave me a box of chocolates this afternoon, sleep or no sleep it will be a nice not for me.
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