Thursday, 18 August 2011


Sleep came for me almost at once last night, tired as I was from the days battle and from the strain of these past weeks I slept like a child until about 4am. Waking early is not unusual for me and I made a coffee which I drank in bed while watching the 24 hour news. Afterwards I drifted in and out of sleep for a couple of hours hugging myself each time I woke and remembered that we won and that the new oven would arrive on Friday,I still cannot believe what happened yesterday as the result was by no means guaranteed,

After the Estate manager had departed much chastened , he instructed the acting maintenance manager to purchase the new oven at once, declaring I am told that he wished that he had done so at once. There is little love lost between these two and so the acting manager spread the tale abroad . Within half an hour I began to receive congratulations from Estate workers and other fellow sufferers of the Estate Managers callous arrogance, everyone was delighted to hear that he had been trounced at last. I predict that their will now be a rush of applications from other tenants for repairs long overdue.

We had a lazy start to the day as this is one of the few days this week when Pa does not have a hospital appointment. I cooked a breakfast of Staffordshire Piklets on the griddle and we ate them with maple syrup an cream, we are all looking forward to having blueberry muffins again it has been weeks since I was able to make them.
The grocery delivery arrived late ans my son and I unpacked ans stashed it all safely in the cupboards after which I made us some French coffee for a treat.

The weather has turned chilly and there was a distinct hint of Autumn in the air, this bodes no good for the squashes and I wonder now if this will be the norm as for the past few years we have had a succession of chilly Augusts. We have had some lovely Octobers and even Novembers but this is no use as once the plants make up their minds that Autumn is here they stop production, shrivel and die. The runner beans are flourishing however so it is not all bad news.

Pa had an eye test today at a special clinic, a routine eye test some time ago showed that their could be damage and we hope that the results of today’s test will show that there is not a serious problem. We recently made a joking list of all the parts of Pa which are either malfunctioning or not functioning at all and a list of those in good condition and I have to report that the former was much longer than the later. It seems that every time he goes to hospital to have something fixed they find another couple of problems, the list of consultants who regularly see him as almost as long as my weekly shopping list......well not quite but I think we have eight regular, thee occasional, thee clinics. One physiotherapist, a monthly blood test and then their are the regular visits to his G.P . This merry round is spread over a couple of months three hospitals and a number of clinics and on this account we are loved by our local taxi company.

Wile Pa was out I decided to give the bathroom a a good clean, I find that doing this while he is off the premises makes life easier as he has a habit of needing the loo the identical moment that I squirt down half a bottle of Harpic and this has been the cause of much strife in the past. With the bathroom sparkling I turned my attention to the kitchen and prepared some potatoes for the fritters which will accompany the gammon and eggs for tonight’s dinner.
Tomorrow I hope to be able to do a roast as it has been weeks since we had one,Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding sounds good now that the weather has turned foul.

My son has one more week of work before he begins a three week holiday. Now what was it we used to sing at school in the last days before the end of term,oh yes I remember
“One more week to go, one more week of sorrow,
One more week in this old dump and I'll be free tomorrow.”

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