Saturday, 27 August 2011


I have spent most of today preparing for our fund raising fête at the allotments tomorrow and I now have a crate of assorted jams, jellies and preserves of all sorts labeled and ready to be sold. These with an enormous container of shortbread, about twenty pounds of apples and some damsons make up my contribution. My son has set aside a box of books to be sold, he had hoped to be able to help out at the fair but at the last minute they changed to date from next Sunday to this Sunday, he is very disappointed as he loves to play the fairground barker and is very good at it too. I am also concerned as it will make the transporting of the afore mentioned goods difficult for me to do alone, not to mention the two large tables and the benches which I have promised to the organisers and the erection of a huge gazebo, oh well, that life.

We are in the main a fairly elderly group and quite a few of us are rather infirm which makes life difficult when these sort of affairs are in train, still I expect that we shall manage somehow,hopefully without any hernias or slipped disks. What makes the situation worse is that the date was changed to accommodate the Chairman of our committee who is now hinting that he may not be able to attend in spite of the change, a pox lite upon the man and a plague take him!

The weather has been atrocious again and bodes ill for tomorrows junketing s, I shall take a very large umbrella with me tomorrow as a sop to Pluvius. The entrance to the site of the fête is at the moment cut off by a lake of a full twelve feet across and ten inches deep,at this rate we shall need a pontoon bridge in order to get people in!

Today we received only one visitor and she was warmly welcomed when she announced that she had with her a massive shopping bag full of jam jars, as I am down to my last three jars this was as welcome as the relief of Mafeking . First thing on Monday morning I shall make our special Shropshire apple chutney a pickle which is both sweet and sharp and is wonderful with cheese. This years apple crop has been tremendous, it is almost as it the tree knows that it may never fruit again.

The boys are treating me to fish and chips tomorrow so that I shall not have to cook a kindness for which I am grateful as I shall have very little time to prepare food tomorrow. I shall be glad when it is all over and Monday morning brings my son home for a three week break from work. I can see how tired he is and work has been a nightmare ever since he returned from his last vacation in May, but I believe that he has seen the light at last, I hope so.
By the way if you want to read about my sons new book his blog site is polaris printworks, yesterdays blog featured the cover of this soon to be published work.

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