Tuesday, 16 August 2011


This morning I decided to put my Autumn patchwork quilt on the bed, it is perhaps a little early but I felt in need of a change and besides I spilled coffee on the summer on last night, I actually feel asleep while having a late night drink, I must be getting old. These patchwork quilts are almost all gifts from my son who is in the habit of spoiling me with unexpected treats. This week have managed to find for me two DVDS which I have been wanting for ages and have been unable to obtain. It was funny because I had ordered a shirt for him as a surprise ,it was exactly the colour he had been wanting and I could not resist. I have a surprise on order for Pa, more about that another time.
Some how tonight I feel more relaxed than I have for quite a while, it is actually more a case of being at peace with myself, a rare enough occurrence to be sure, long may it last.

Today the hedgehog who left us to stay at the hedgehog equivalent of the Ritz, he is to stay safe for the rest of his days at Tiggy Winkles Hedgehog Sanctuary and I do not mid telling you that I shall miss the little mortal very much. Many such creatures come have come my way during the past few years, victims in the main of strimmers and brush cutters which in careless hands are lethal to small animals. I use a strimmer myself but with great care and never in an area that I have not already inspected to make sure all is safe , a practice which takes little time and is worth the trouble I am sure.

Our buggy have a new clutch fitted today and she now goes even faster than before which is greet for me but maybe not so great for anyone I meet, I do tend to speed, just a little. I cannot imagine life without it now so I treat her with care.

Still no word on the cooker front but tomorrow the Estate manager is coming to see me and I intend to give him a large piece of my mind, I just hope he realises what he is walking in to , I am a very angry woman at the moment and like the “Incredible Hulk” I can be a fearsome beast, like all reasonable even tempered people when I do explode it can be spectacular, I have cleared a room more than once with a fine display of Pyrotechnic Temperament. The man has done the two things that I will not tolerate, he has treated me like a fool and he has called my honesty in to question and I won't have it. He is further more the man who is pushing for the building of houses on my garden and so I can guarantee that his reception will be a hot one.

Before Pa went off to hospital this morning the three of us breakfasted on freshly made waffles and hot jam sauce This shows how much better Pa is these days as formerly we would have had trouble just getting him up and dressed in time, it is a miracle for which we are all truly grateful. Afterwards I prepared the hedge hog for his journey, packed his things and then spent a very prickly hour or so tying in the wine berry bushes and the Tay berries which have made a huge amount of growth this year. Every thing I do in the garden now is an act of faith as perhaps next year there will be no garden, I fight and I hope , I can do no more.

Runner beans are plentiful at the moment and for dinner this evening I cooked Cumberland rings with mashed potato, runner beans onion sauce and apple gravy, working in the garden had made me hungry and I really enjoyed our meal. There is nothing quite so good as eating vegetable which were still growing half an hour before. I have some Pink Fir Apple potatoes growing in large bags , these will not be harvested for at least a month and I am looking forward to seeing how well they have done. They are not widely grown as the can be the very devil to prepare but we love the texture and flavour of these nobly little spuds , it is a few years since I grew these so this year they will be a treat.

The cat Twiggy watched the departure of her rival with a casual air, afterwards she sniffed around as I dismantled the hedgehogs pen, though still inclined to be standoffish with me I think that she will soon forgive me now that the interloper has gone. I never knew a cat to be quite so territorial as she.


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