Friday, 26 August 2011


Having spent all day yesterday entertaining an endless stream of callers I awoke this morning fervently hoping that today I would be left in peace to get on with the work I have neglected recently, it was a vain hope indeed. My darling son, grrrrrrrr! Informed me almost at once to expect a guest who was coming to look at some boxed games with a view to purchasing them if the price was right, where at I groaned loudly and ducked under the covers declaring my intention to remain in bed all day!

Scuppered again! My dear boy also informed me that the kitchen e=resembled a battle field and that Pa was responsible for the mess, I had no choice but to venture downstairs to see for myself, the kitchen did not resemble a battlefield at all, it resembled more closely the corporation tip! Apparently poor old Pa had decided to do a bit of tidying up but having got everything out on the kitchen table ran out of energy had gone to bed, charming!. The remains of his super lay all around as the cat had also feasted on the leftovers while Pa was asleep, I was distinctly dis-chuffed by all of this and set about bringing order to the chaos, this was not done soon.

By eleven I had the kitchen in a fit state to work in and as it was bread day and I was running very late I decided to get the bread in the oven before cooking breakfast and had just finished when there was a knock at the door, the visitor arrived and I thought that as we were about to eat it would be churlish not to offer breakfast while privately was done with difficulty as Pa was messing about in the kitchen looking for something which I had binned as rubbish whole clearing up. But the time our guest had left, undecided about the games and breakfast was over my temper had frayed considerably and I decided to go out to the shop for a few necessities hoping that by the time I returned my temper would have cooled a little.

I must have been out of my mind,the shops were full of screaming children,frazzled mothers, and it poured with rain right up to the moment I drove through the gate on my return when it stopped quite suddenly , as it someone had turned off the tap.
Pa had now piled heaps of railway magazines all over the living room furniture, the cat had not been fed and the back door had been left open and the doormat was awash. I counted up to ten........and then with no thought at all for my blood pressure I let rip..*********!

After that things went a little more smoothly. I still have not labelled the jam, I have not done the ironing, I have not picked the beans, the courgettes or brought in the beetroot to boil and bottle. I have not made the second banner for the fĂȘte, in fact today I have done bugger all!
This leads me to wonder anew at the strange phenomenon which invariably occurs when aim ill. Any worsening of my health causes Pa to have an immediate relapse and to commence making as much trouble as possible. Everyone I know decides to visit all at once, and the behaviour of my family in general becomes unpredictable to the point of lunacy, all this is very strange and damned aggravating the cat becomes more that usually picky about what she eats and at such time often decides on take away leaving me to hunt out the half dead mouse t=which she has allowed to escape behind the refrigerator!

There is no doubt that pain makes me grouchy and pain killers make me sleepy, perhaps after all it is me and not everyone else whop is potty just now? All I can say is that tomorrow had better be better. I shall paint a skull and crossed bones on the front door with a red cross below. I shall pin a rude note on the back door declaring my disinclination for company and woe betide the rash fool who fronts up expecting tea, coffee, toast or anything else. The only thing on the menu tomorrow for anyone who ignores theses distress signals will be a large piece of my mind!
This afternoon we had a spectacular thunder storm this afternoon which I thoroughly enjoyed, at the hight of the storm the sky was inky blue and suddenly a streak of bright sunlight cut through the clouds and gilded the trees tops, the effect was breathtakingly lovely.
The rain has stopped now and the sun is still shining, my little cat has gone out into the garden and is sitting on her own little seat carefully placed in a dry corner, here she can watch the moths come out and the bats flitting about the orchard without wetting her pretty little paws.
She, like me has been an old misery today, if the truth be told neither of us has spent enough time outside this week and neither of us like it.

I took a large dose of codeine half an hour ago and for the first time today the pain is beginning to subside a little, my relief is beyond words. I am not sure how much longer I can continue with this level of pain and I worry very much about Pa when I am ill. With luck it will pass or with even more luck my referral to Charring Cross for treatment may come through soon, I do hope so, in the past I have ended up in A&E far too often for comfort.
For now the pain is lessening, the evening is lovely and soon I shall;; be able to climb in to my bed and rest, my son has just printed out a rude message to stick on the door tomorrow, shall I put it up.?Of course I shan't.

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