Saturday, 6 August 2011


The above epithet is apparently how I am perceived in certain quarters, I expect that those on the receiving end of my pen or my verbal sharp shooting find a certain relief in name calling and who can blame them, poor souls?
Our maintenance manager thinks himself terribly hard done by because I asked him most politely to do his job.
These days it seems to me that people actually resent being asked to do the job for which they are paid, it is very odd. Even more often we find that those in positions of authority are actually unable to carry out their duties. This makes me cross and I know that I have a tendency to go on about things like this but when I am affected badly by the inefficiency, or sheer bone laziness of others I speak as I find.

I can see no reason why my life should be messed up by another's lack of ability or activity.
Having requested that our maintenance manager did his job and sort out our cooker he complained to his superior that I had hurt his feelings......well excuse me! I note that he made no mention of the insults which he hurled at me and which I refused to return in kind.....and that went against the grain believe me.

I pointed out, when asked that I had said nothing that was untrue and had made my remarks with a good deal more politeness than the circumstances warranted and told him that all I required was a professional approach to the problem, he had nothing to say to that as he knew that I was right.

The problem with the cooker is now so bad as to be causing actual danger if it is used. I have now written my Noble Landlords P.P.S and appraised her of our problems and I have pulled no punches. I have been forthright and stated the case exactly as it is. I am aware that this will not go down at all well in high places but you see without a working cooker I have been unable to manufacture the sugar coating necessary to make these home truths palatable.

I have no doubt that the lady will not like what I have to say and yet it is the truth and if it were not then I should not be fool enough to write it down .

Any little old lady, no matter how gentle and serene can be turned in to a virago if sufficiently provoked. The quietest little old dear can become venomous if threatened sad but true.

I try to be just I may not always succeed but I do try. I endeavour to remain calm, this can be tricky.
Above all I try to be fair, I will always give some one the benefit of the doubt......once, to do more would not be in the interest of survival, anyone who disagrees should read The Darwin Awards, I believe there is also a web site. The book is quite an eye opener, and remember the girls of St Trinian's motto “She who draws the sword last always come off worst.” Though hardly a school girl myself this still applies for you see when you are young your views are dismissed as childish and when you get older your views are dismissed as geriatric ramblings, so what's the difference...think about it folks.

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