Wednesday, 10 August 2011
I never cease to be amazed at the level of perfidy to which some are prepared to sink. Our world is one where caring is considered a weakness and in order to progress one must be uncaring,untruthful and unprincipled, one must be prepared to rip and tear ones way through friendship and loyalty in order to succeed. Why then if this is know n do we express such amazement when top people turn out to be either total shits, clueless clots or just plain crooks? Are we really so naïve as to think that any one out there cares a damn about anything other than them selves. Yes, we are, because we need to think so in order to feel safe, and until we face the facts we shall continue to be imposed upon by these unworthy individuals.
During these past few days I have monitored the news with more than a passing interest, you see what is happening now is exactly what I predicted just over a year ago when the Tories and the Lib Dems formed their diabolic pact and sold us all down the river in the process. These are the pompous self serving cloth heads who have brought and paid for the infernal mess we now find our selves in. Our young people , those in deprived areas and the working classes have been criminalised by these people in order to provide the middle class with a common enemy and they fell for it hook line and sinker, as always
What went round came back round with a vengeance because now those same comfortable middle classes have have their nice Ikea cages rattled by cuts unemployment and falling house prices. Every section of society is threatened by the bad decisions of governments past and present
The New Labour crowd smiled as the greedy bankers gambled outrageously with other peoples money while their Chancellor looted pension funds to pay for his Parties excesses.
Those I power at the moment tell us that it is all our own fault and oh boy are they making us pay.
During the last few nights the birds came home to roost ,now they are worried and with reason, if a mob can storm and loot a town how long will it be before Whitehall gets its comeuppance, it will happen just as soon as people realise who is really to blame and now that they know there own strength God help us all!
I went for a drink last night with an old barrister friend of mine,I had a little problem that I wanted to run by him and his mates rate is always a couple of large Scotches. I explained my difficulty and when he had finished laughing, which was not soon he told me not to worry and we fell to discussing the riots. He told me that he felt that the whole system was breaking down and that even if the police managed to arrest every rioter the courts would not be able to process all the cases, which is , if you recall what happened during the Pole Tax riots some years ago.
The prisons are too full to hold any more miscreants and the number of Police Force is about to be cut by our forward thinking Government. He is worried.
This morning I spoke to a local shop keeper who is prepared to defend his livelihood with his life,
He is worried too.
If we are going to treat people like criminals we should not be surprised when the behave as such. In a way we are at fault because we have allowed things to come to this by our apathy,and inactivity. There are other ways that violence to get things changed of course but for the people in the streets on these last dreadful nights who have nothing to lose, this is the last resort. They have heard all the talk and they know that their lives are about to become even bleaker and more intolerable than ever. This is the only way left to them to make themselves heard and it is time that those in authority started to listen before we descend in to total anarchy.
The genii is out of the bottle and we have lost the cork,listening and being seem to do so is now the only way to go, I just hope that it is not too late.
These rioters are out to settle old scores, to take back their own. They have been robbed of their employment their children’s future and the young people involved it the riots are in and even worse case.. No education, no jobs, no homes no family, no future. People can survive without most things but hope is something that no one can live without.
If I was a fat cat banker, or a mealy mouthed politician I should be worried about my own future just now because eventually some one is going to realise where the blame for all this really lies, no wonder they are shaking in their well polished boots.
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