Tuesday, 7 May 2013


I spent a merry hour and a half this morning discussing an up coming event in one of our local parks. Present at this meeting were the Chairman of the Friends of the park, the team leader of a group of volunteers, the Head Ecologist (or what passes for one) employed by our local contractors, and the secretary who had coordinated the meeting.

Firstly,the work we were having to carry out was all work which should have been done by the council contractors.
Secondly much of the work had been caused by the council contractors.
Thirdly, considering the head ecologists somewhat cavalier attitude towards the wild life in the borough he had rather a lot to say. AS did his secretary who's knowledge of environmental issues is not exactly her strong suit!

Add to this the fact that this is the moron responsible for the continuing problems with the churchyard ( he has not passed of copies of the conservation plan to his ground crew). He never answers letters or emails and is almost the worst liar I ever met,not quite the worst as this enviable title goes to another member of his team who has reached the stage where he actually belies his own lies.

I have been dealing with these twerps for some years and I have remained curious in the face of insults and indifference....until today.

I mentioned the fact that he had not yet dealt with a number of serious infringements by his work force, had not had the decency to reply to our letters and had not ,after three years yet managed to get his team to actually work to the plans laid out for the conservation areas.
I caught a look which passed between him and his secretary and for once I really lost my temper.

I will not bore you with all the I sad, they said, suffice it to say that I reminded the pair of them with the full force of argument that they were public servants, that I was one of the poor saps paying their extortionate salaries, and that I wished to know when they proposed t commence earning their money.
We hear so much about the “Big Society” wished for by the Conservative Party, our community has joined forces to protect our local environment. We have raised money for many projects and what have we received from our Local Conservative Council and their dodgy contractors? Nothing but hindrance and a total lack of interest at every step.

I have to report that my plain speaking entertained the volunteers leader and I received considerable encouragement from the gentleman. I left the other two feeling much less complaisant than they had been on their arrival ,for as they made haste to deny that their work force had been responsible for all the damage I was able to exhibit photographic evidence that they were ,once again telling porkies!

I gave them one last chance to sort it out,before sending the entire dossier to the local press,who are already smelling a story and would be only too willing to publish.

I, and others like me are attempting to save what is left of the precious green space in our City from the twin monsters,Greed,and Ignorance, today I spoke with both.

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