Tuesday, 21 May 2013


You may recall my mentioning a couple of weeks ago an incident in the graveyard,between myself and a number of recidivist contractors who were ,once again hacking the undergrowth about at a time when such work is restricted. This was taking place in spite of the fact that the site had been designated a conservation area.

Today I received a response to my protest , I shall not go in to details but suffice it to say that they had capitulated on every point and in future no work will be carried out at sensitive times and all work will be done in the presence of the Head Ecologist. This is victory indeed and it proves beyond doubt that our arguments were correct in every detail ,it also shows what one person can achieve if they have the courage to stand their ground.

I an certain that they had no wish to see published the unedifying film footage of several burly labourers and their bosses bullying a little old lady on a mobility scooter.
My advice to anyone who needs to stop such destructive work from being carried out is to find a frail elderly person,preferably in a wheel chair and ,with their consent of c
ourse park them in a spot inconvenient to the contractors. Oh yes, and be sure to film the whole thing.

My land lord,in the person of his Estate Manager is in a snit because I have asked for a few vital repairs to be carried out. Apparently as we have recently had our drains unblocked,twice, had a dangerous cooker hood replaced and the removal of about a ton of sewage fouled gravel removed from the back yard ;he feels that I am being too demanding.

I have pointed out to the gentleman that it does not behove one of the richest men in England to keep his tenants in Dickensian accommodation and that the Estate is oblige to deal with these matters under the law.

I am sure he must have been exasperated to receive my requests this morning and fired off a shirty e mail in consequence. I am equally certain that being now in receipt of my reply he will be regretting his hasty remarks.

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