Wednesday, 1 May 2013


The morning post brought my birthday card from Mum,emblazoned on the front of the card was a huge 60....yes folks I am now officially old! I called to let her know that her card had arrived and was rewarded with the news that her cancer scare seems to be over,Oh God I do hope so.

We talked for ages and afterwards I cried like a child for some time,then I went in to the garden rejoicing to finish the work on the walled garden.
Of course I did not finish as I kept flying off at a tangent on other jobs in other parts of the garden (there is so much to do) but by the time I had finished for the day it was looking splendid and some of the tubs were ready for sowing.

I find that I do not mind at all being sixty years old ,apart from the arthritis I do not feel my age and besides I feel that have earned my grey hair and wrinkles, they are badges of honour won on the battlefield of life and I bear them with pride.

The whole day has been coloured by the news from home and I cannot express the relief that I feel ,the past weeks have dragged on and on with tests then results then more tests. I wish with all my heart that I could visit home but it's no use wishing for the impossible so I am thankful for mercies received.

The evening sun is slanting across the orchard as I write casting long shadows while at the same time illuminating a dancing column of gnats as they spiral upwards in their courtship dance
My son is talking on the telephone to a friend who is visiting us tomorrow hopefully for breakfast,after which they are heading into town.

Everywhere the vivid green of new leaves can be seen and in the field opposite a belt of cowslips is in full flower........I think that spring must have arrived at last.

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