Friday, 24 May 2013


Like most people I was appalled at the death of the young soldier in Woolwich and the manner of his death makes it even more horrific. Television takes us to countries where this type of violence is
common place,young men roaming the streets with knives butchering innocent people ,Bosnia,
,Rwanda,Iraq,Afghanistan,but that this type of violence on the streets of Britain should be a wake up call to those in authority before thing get out of control.

Yes,we have knife crime and violence but this was something different,this was not gang violence ,this was a crime of racial hatred,there I've said it, and I can just hear the howls of indignation at my Racist remark.”

When two young Islamic Fundamentalists seek out and deliberately target a young British squaddie going about his daily business what else can such a crime be called.

We hear all the time that the majority of Muslims in the UK are not radicalised and deplore the violence,and I and certain that this is so, and yet I wonder,is it the crime they deplore,or the fact that there might be reprisals against them and their children. God forbid that this should happen,yet I listened to an interview with a young Muslim woman who told how she was now having to take her children to school and collect then later,this fact seemed to be her chief concern,not the act itself.

The initial response to this dreadful affair was to advise British serviceman to hide their uniform when outside the barracks ,although this advice was later withdrawn. Well if a British soldier cannot walk the streets in his own land without being attacked by extremists I think we have gone too fare down the road of P.C.

During WW2 we did not accept German immigrants in to the country,to do so would have been stupid,yet we have been at war with some of the Muslin countries for years while allowing huge numbers of them in to the county to live,work ,or draw benefits. Where is the sense it that?

These people hate us,and I must admit they often have good cause to do so,nevertheless it is ridiculous to present our enemies with citizenship so that they can erode the fabric of British Muslim society from the inside. I have many Muslin friends who feel as I do about this point for a variety of reasons.

While watching Question Time last night I heard Mr Ian Paisley Jnr. remark in all seriousness that Christianity could not become radicalised in the same way,coming form him that's rich. Northern Ireland has been a hotbed of radicalism for years Bigotry in and form and by any race is to be deplored.

Let us stop beating about the bush and confront the menace with jeopardises world peace,let us face it,give it a name and deal with it once and for all.

Many mistakes have been made by all concerned but the truth is that Muslims have been attempting to rule the world in the name of Allah for over a thousand years, Christians too have been attempting for two millennia to subjugate other faiths in favour of the worship of Christ.

I am convinced that it is time to admit that this war is never going to end and take measures to limit the damage it has caused, it is only by having all parties be honest about the true nature of the problem that anything can be achieved.

War zones are dangerous places as the casualty figures show, now our streets are becoming a battle field and no one is safe. If this is what Christ or Allah want then to blazes with the pair of them.

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