Friday, 3 May 2013


A week of settled weather has wrought many changes, the leaf buds pet by the cold weather have thrown off their casings and opened faster than I have ever seen it done, and flowers of all kinds are opening so fast that you can almost see it happening.

In the orchard birds are busy now feeding their fledglings and revelling in the warmth of the long lost sun, and the many small insects also in haste to make up for lost time. Today I discovered that a pair of Robins have built their nest in an old teapot,lodged among the ivy on the old wall and judging by the racket when the Parent birds arrive with food there are a goodly number of healthy chicks in the neat little nest.

I have been spending as much time as possible in the gardens,it was at first difficult not to be daunted by the sheer volume of work and my own increasing infirmity. Gardening for me is a pleasure,not a chore and so unable to bear the though of my gardens going to ruin I have,with some help from my son made a good beginning .

The walled yard has had to be completely re modelled after the problems with the drains and the rats and although we are still awaiting the new shed doors I have spent quite a lot of time positioning containers, sowing seed and planting out new additions.

The grass pathways in the front garden have been mowed and edged and the beds weeded and the difference this has made is amazing. With its newly strimmed paths the orchard is glorious this year,filled with fragrant fruit blossom and the scent of bluebell which carpet the orchard floor at this time of the year. Our honey bees are busy among the apple blossom and the bumble bees are getting high on the pollen from our many Rosemary bushes.

I mean to tend the orchard until the day the bulldozers arrive,quite what I shall do when that day dawns I cannot say. For now all is calm and for that I am thankful.

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