Today has been far too busy for comfort, by which I mean that I had too many tasks for the time available. This is no new thing but it seems to happen much more often that it used to, I must be getting old. The mountain of ironing is becoming quite alarming and although it is well known that I hate the job I have been trying most diligently to sort it out for the past three days, it's like playing beat the clock only there are no prizes. My son and I had a cup of tea together this morning, we tried for ages to wake Pa and eventually gave up, my son went off to bed and I repaired to the kitchen to label the jelly I made yesterday. Still no sign of Pa so I read him the riot act and went to the garden centre to buy a birthday card for my little brother who is forty-two this year, my God we are getting old!
On my return Pa was just about up so I made a breakfast of poached eggs on toast and then set about the days chores. First I made an orange jelly with fresh oranges for tomorrow, it needs a day in the fridge to be really nice, at this point my neighbour appeared with a pair of ladders so I took a break from the kitchen and went to pick apples, a job that is much easier with two people. Apple picking is always fun and just a little dangerous, I have never yet returned from apple picking without a bump or two on the head of even a nosebleed. You see if you are the one on the ground, even though you know it is stupid you just can not resist looking up, when the picker pulls an apple quite often, no matter how careful he is another is dislodged and it usually crowns the poor sap down bellow, today was no exception to make matters worse the ladders were wobbly and we were constantly being attacked by wasps, it was great fun and we laughed the whole time like a couple of school kids.
Naturally we shared the proceeds and while I was in the garden I picked some runner beans, French beans and courgettes, we tried the damsons but they were so unripe that biting in to one put fur on my teeth. Back indoors I made a batch of marigold buns for tea and prepared the vegetables for dinner which was a cottage pie, if made with beef it is a cottage pie , with lamb a shepherds pie and with pork a pig sty pie, we do not have the latter very often, I wonder why? Before I knew it the time had flown an I made tea for my son ,as I always do to wake him, call it returning the favour. Dinner was lovely, the washing up was not .After that it was every man for himself until my son went off to work, at which point I collapsed in a heap. I suppose I could do the ironing later tonight, but I certainly would not put money on it!
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