Today we continued the excavation of my son's bedroom, as we gently delved through the layers we discovered treasures lost for almost a generation, it was like a time capsule, a surprise or a spider at every turn, really the spiders were huge, you know, Eight legged freaks, huge. To say that I am not fond of spiders is an understatement, I am still shuddering and I expect to have bad dreams too. The weather was unhelpful as we could not put the 'Free Stuff' stall out and things piled up a bit, we had reached the stage in the job when you think “Why in Gods name did I start this”. It is usually the turning point. Just as things were getting tough and we were all tired a violent thunder storm began.
Quite out of the blue a very pretty Filipino lady with an incredibly cute little boy appeared at the door, she was wet through and lost, and asked if she could shelter in the porch. She was upset as she thought she was being a nuisance. We eventually persuaded her to come into the kitchen, the only room which is not full of tat at the moment and after much pleading managed to get her to accept a cup of tea. The child was beautiful and very well behaved. We found him some of my sons old toys and a chocolate biscuit with a glass of squash kept him happy while we calmed his mum. She was so sweet we all liked her at once. The little boy on meeting my son gave a beaming smile, he thought he was seeing a real live giant and was very pleased about it.
She stayed for an hour or so until the rain stopped and we gave her directions to the correct bus stop before she left. It was just the break we all needed, none of us wanted to be the first to stop work so her arrival was a blessing, and we all felt much better after the break. Last night our neighbour popped in and when he saw the huge stacks of books in the living room offered to sell the special ones for us we of course agreed on condition we split the profit. He stayed until after eleven last night cataloguing and pricing the many books, when he left they had only scratched the surface so he is spending the day with us tomorrow to hopefully finish the job, the rest will go to a book shop and I shall be glad to get the house tidy again.
We had the blueberry muffins this morning and I made steak burgers with onions and soft buns for dinner, quick and tasty, tomorrow we shall have take away fish and chips as I want to help my son with the painting to speed things up a little.
I am very tired tonight and I hope that I can stay on my feet until this is over, the pain is always worse when I get tired, I don,t know why. We have had lots of laughs though, this afternoon as I was cleaning a shelf I sat down on the bed with a bump, got up again quicker than I have managed to do in ages as I had sat upon a drawing pin, we laughed till we cried. My son is a tower of strength when help is needed ,however it must be said tidy he ain't!
Wonderful he is, bless him.
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