Today Pa broke his personal best record for tardiness, as a consequence breakfast was at lunch time again and during the two and a half hours it took to coax and coerce him out of bed I did three loads of washing, a huge pile of ironing, washed my hair, and wrote out the fortnightly grocery list. I began the waking up Pa game at eight-thirty and at ten-forty-five he finally sat up in bed. During the time it took him to get dressed I cleaned the kitchen cupboards and laid the table. At eleven-thirty I said, “Ready or not here is your breakfast.” The atmosphere at table was a trifle chilly as I preferred to say nothing than engage in useless nagging. I had to go out today and Pa,s performance made me very late, by the time I had washed up and changed my clothes it was one-thirty. It was a relief to get out as I felt the homicide might well be on the cards if I stayed at home any longer, I am sure that no jury would convict under the circumstances!
My trip took quite a while and I did not manage to accomplish all my errands as I had begun so late. When I arrived home at four o'clock I discovered that Pa had not feed the birds, the last load of washing was still in the machine and his room was a disaster area; looking around I was hard pressed to see that he had done anything at all. Part of my job as carer is to motivate Pa so that he does not turn into a fossil, I think it would be easier to push an elephant up a mountain. At the end of each day I find myself exhausted and often have been unable to do my own chores, it is very frustrating and at times I get quite cross. Of course I feel terribly guilty if I lose my temper,such is the carers dilemma, I am certainly not alone in my troubles. There are thousands of people like me struggling against impossible odds, we do it gladly because we love the person we care for, that fact makes it even harder sometimes, I should think it would be much easier if there was no emotion involved.
Sorry to offload that lot,and now having depressed you utterly I will tell you a funny story. While I was out today I met three very elderly ladies the youngest was ninety-one and her sisters were ninety-three and ninety-six. The younger sister confided in me that she had lately given up her car and expressed a keen interest in my buggie. As we concluded our business at the same time she asked as we left together if I would allow her to try out the buggie, of course I happily let her try it and she came back from a short spin round the car park in raptures. Then the middle sister asked if she could try and off she went, she was equally pleased on her return. The older sister had been watching and it was hard to tell if she approved of her sisters trundling about until she asked if she too could take a turn round the car park, the other two chattered awake excitedly as she went off at a dash. Finally I was back in my chariot and the three ladies declared their intention of buying a buggie each and even asked what other colours were available! “Just think, dear”, said the eldest, “We will be able to go round Tesco together and between us will be able to carry all our shopping easily without having to pay exorbitant taxi fares.” The idea of the three of them whizzing round Tesco like the Valkyries made me inclined to giggle so having recommended a reliable dealer I left as fast as possible and had a good laugh all the way home.
I was rather late getting in - I had just enough time to make two apple cakes and drop one in next door. Thankfully we were having fish and chips for dinner so all was well. Just tomorrow to go and them my son starts his holiday. He is such fun always, he makes me laugh all the time. He will be taking a few days well earned holiday in Wiltshire, his biannual pilgrimage, he loves Avebury and knows how to get the most from the place. I am planning a feast on his return, something in the way of a medieval banquet, roast beef and trenchers perhaps maybe a game pie, we shall see.
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