To say that we put up the buggie cover in the nick of time would be quite an understatement, within an hour or so of completing the job the heavens opened and the rains came. What a night, non of us got much sleep as the rain came down in sheets and the wind howled through the old lime trees that surround the house. Last winter I saw one of then fall in a storm and it was quite an experience. I was looking out of the window in the early hours of the morning watching the storm, there was aloud cracking tearing sound and a massive tree in the shelter belt across the road twisted round and fell with a terrific crash. Since then I have been a little nervous on windy nights as there is a huge tree at the bottom of our garden and if it fell it would certainly take our house with it. Still it was a good test for the cover which did not blow away as I had feared and which kept the buggie nice and dry so that is one thing I shall not have to worry about again.
Poor Twiggy has been miserable today, she hates wet weather as do most cats and after getting caught a couple of times in the rain gave up and went upstairs to disport herself on my bed, a favourite spot on foul weather days. She often visits me at night and watches an hour of television with great interest, she loves wild life programmes and is also partial to snooker which I quite understand and skiing - which I don't. She is a very unusual cat and too clever by half. She is certainly self aware, something that I understand cats are not supposed to be. She is able to open doors, and is in short convinced that she is more than equal to any human being.... she may be right!
At one time in my life I owned thirteen cats, all strays including a cream coloured Persian who arrived totally bald but went on to grow the most gorgeous coat I ever saw, he was very affectionate and sat on my lap stroking my face which is a bit of a switch and he slept curled up round my head so that I looked as if I was wearing a Davie Crockett hat. Our milk man adored him and would leave cartons of cream with a note saying for Snuffy, which the cats name. I should also add that he snored very loudly indeed. He was one of the three beloved cats that died in the fire I mentioned some time ago and I still miss then all.
Back to the present, this morning I baked four large loaves and two Pavlova cases one of each I gave to the boys next door as a thank you for their help yesterday. We had a chicken casserole for dinner using our own vegetables and we ate it with lots of the new bread. We had hazelnut Pavlova to finish, all in all it was a lovely meal to start the new week.
My son is back at work tonight and is exhausted already as he had no sleep last night and could not sleep during today, I hope he manages to stay awake at work, Mondays are always tough on him, indeed I think that the start of a night shift must be difficult for any one. I am glad to say that next week he starts a three week holiday and I have some treats planed for the days he is at home. Keep safe everyone and have a good week were ever you are. Night-night.
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