We were all up in good time again this morning, I did make blueberry muffins for breakfast, and very nice they were. We had the day all planned out but you know what they say about the best laid plans. Pa was supposed to go straight out to the shops this morning but after we had washed up my son discovered that he was fast asleep on the sofa, narcolepsy had struck again. It was no use at all trying to wake him so we carried on as usual, after about an hour or so he woke somewhat dazed but after a cup of coffee he was as right as rain and trundled off to the shops to the sound of me singing the theme tune from Chorleton and the Wheelies, a children's programme from some years ago.
I began to prepare the rather complicated evening meal, I made a stuffing of fresh white bread crumbs with finely chopped shallots, fresh tarragon and lemon thyme and having battered three wild boar steaks into submission with a cutlet bat I stuffed them and rolled them tying them neatly with string. Next I part boiled some of our rooster potatoes, shook them up with some course semolina and put them in a roasting tray with some clarified butter. Finally a prepared some baby carrots and runner beans from the garden, I was just about finished when there was a knock at the door I answered it and discovered two friends on the doorstep. My poor friend had just been made redundant and was extremely upset we chatted away and drank lots of tea while the other visitor who had heard the tale before sat in the garden with the cat. As they left I looked at the clock and to my dismay discovered that it was three thirty. I quickly set about clearing the kitchen, I washed and my son , bless him wiped, we soon had everything tidied away. I scarcely had time to unpack Pa's shopping before it was time to start cooking dinner. None of the day's chores had been done and we were all very upset about our friends bad news.
Dinner was lovely though and we shall certainly be ordering wild boar again, perhaps a joint next time. English wild boar can be hard to find but it is worth the trouble as it is so much better in quality, the roast potatoes were the best I have ever made according to the boys. Although today has been a bit fraught I am glad that my friend felt able to come to me with her troubles, it proves that the open house policy works and besides friends are not just for the good times, trouble is a real test of friendship and I hope I passed the test today. My son was also able to offer advice and she went away a little happier. After dinner I cleared the table and washed up with my son to help again, we left the kitchen sparkling and ready for tomorrow. Pa has just brought me a lovely cup of coffee and soon I shall have a relaxing bath, I have a date to watch a show with my son tonight, “Bargain hunt” rather a guilty pleasure, we record it in the morning then we sit and have a good laugh at the awful tat bought by the hapless contestants, not that we are experts you understand, if you have ever seem the show you will know what I mean. It is more than likely that our choice of object's d art would cause just as much merriment to others.”Know thyself”, is always my motto!
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