Even as we speak a flock of vultures has taken over the ground floor, swooping and tearing at the huge stacks of books as if they were a wilder beast carcase and my living room part of the Serengeti game reserve. There are occasional fights over a coveted piece of meat...........I mean book and much cackling and squawking as treasures are snapped up by rival raiders. My only consolation is that the pile has diminished somewhat but in truth it is drops in the ocean. The book dealer is giving me the runaround and although I have implored a number of charities to relieve me of this burden they all seem reluctant to hire the pantechnicon necessary to remove the mountain, I am at my wits end. I feel rather like a hen that has been left to sit upon another birds eggs, and vastly uncomfortable I find it. The entire living room is at present unusable and I have on more than one occasion gone out through the front door and in through the back rather than circumnavigate the disaster zone, as the day has been a trifle wet this has caused some difficulty. My son's gaming friends have taken every shopping bag I own to carry away their booty, it is worth it to get rid of some of the mess. I am not notorious for being a long suffering soul and I feel now that I have suffered long enough, if it was not for the fact that we already have thirty odd bags of recycle and rubbish to go next week I would bin the flipin lot. If I ever get my home back to normal it will be a day of celebration as it stands I wonder if anyone out there wants a huge stack of books or a very untidy lodger, either would be a huge relief!
I baked an enormous stack of cookies this morning and harvested the first of the pumpkins and squashes, also another large punnet of wine berries. I then spent a merry couple of hours constructing a clothes rail. The instructions were in ancient Hebrew and the parts did not match the diagram, however I managed to finish it and the result is a much tidier wardrobe, it has unfortunately played havoc with my rheumatism and I cannot life my arm at all. During the whole of today both Pa and my son absented themselves from the war zone so I have had the mess all to myself, as I said the poor hen sitting some one else's eggs. Perhaps the answer is a bonfire........perhaps not .We are having a Chinese take away tonight as due to the ravening hordes I was unable to cook dinner, we might eat if they ever leave, I am so hungry. I hear them ordering taxis perhaps the end is in sight. .I have no idea what tomorrow will bring but I do know that I am not going to be left holding the baby I mean sitting on the eggs again. If the day is fine I shall go out for lunch and stay out, in fact I am considering booking in to an hotel for the duration, or better still Does anyone out there require a live in cook.............please.........PLEASE.
My dear darling wonderful son has offered to hire a skip on Monday to take away all the bags of rubbish an the remaining books, I cannot begin to tell you how overwhelming the relief is, I might have known my knight in shining armour would ride to the rescue. Be so good as to ignore my previous disparaging remarks.
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