We had a lovely start to our weekend and a wonderful breakfast cooked by my son who is becoming very handy in the kitchen. Clearing up had to be done quickly as the dungeoneers are meeting here today, I suppose my kitchen could at a stretch be said to resemble a medieval alchemist's workshop particularly at the moment with bunches of herbs drying every where and jars full of weird fruits pickled in alcohol.
Once they were settled I headed off to the shops, I still cannot get over how wonderful it is to be able to do my own shopping. There is a basket on the front of the buggy, handy but quite small so I always take a bag with me that fits on the foot plate. Tesco today was very busy, people racing round the aisles with their trolleys, it was like being in a remake of “Ben Hur.”I also observed that the number of people with a death wish was up to the usual average, its amazing, they look at you and then walk right in front of you, I have to keep hitting the brakes or I would flatten them .I cannot decide if it is rudeness or impatience, they seem to treat wheelchair users in the same way. Also it is amazing how often the disabled persons lift has a socking great display in front of it, I often get to the next flour only to have to come down again as some one has put a display stand full of under ware or sale goods in front of the doors. Can you imagine the hooha if the escalator was left cluttered up in such a way?
After Tesco I looked in on home base where I bought some paper lamp shades, we like the way they diffuse the lights but being paper the do not last long. On my return the battle in the kitchen was in full swing, they really get into character and it can be quite amusing if you sit in the next room and listen. I am sure that my son has missed his vocation, he would have made a terrific actor and his sense of comic timing is astonishingly good.
Pa went off to the village to raid the hardware shop, it is one of the old fashioned sort and I have never yet asked them for something only to find they did not have it, which is more than can be said for Homebase which is fifty times bigger at least.
I finally tackled the ironing, all I have to say is bum! When the warriors left we had a quick dinner of rump steak and chips with fresh tomatoes and salad followed by blueberry jelly, we swapped news and then having cleared the kitchen I took a bath washed my hair and sat down to write this blog. I love my room, I have a patchwork quilt for every season of the year, gifts from my son over the past few Christmases, I have just put the autumn one on the bed and it makes the room look so cosy, I often light candles at night, I love the soft light they give and the odd shadows they create. Both the boys like scented candles in the bathroom and I am sure that they aid relaxation. It has been quite an ordinary day but for some reason I feel really happy,, the quiet sort of happiness that is good when you are about to go to sleep. Happy dreams to you, Night night.
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