Now that the upheaval of decorating is almost over we have today enjoyed the benefits of our labours, and very pleasant it has been. We had a breakfast of hot buttered potato cakes, the ones I made a few days ago, we all love them and I can never seem to make enough. A friend of Pa's seems to have an instinct which tells him when I am making them, he says he can smell them cooking, he always appears when they are being made or very soon after. I have developed the habit of making extra and that seems to work quite well, I just wish I knew how he does it?
After breakfast I trundled off to collect the rough draft of a letter from the friend who visited yesterday, she does not have access to the internet and the letter was urgent. My son and I worked on it for an hour or so and sent it off on her behalf, if you read yesterday's blog you will know what it was about, I hope it does some good, she is a lovely lady and does not deserve to be treated in such a despicable fashion, at least we have had the satisfaction of dropping her idiot boss in the **** which has been long deserved.
My son cleaned his room today and reorganised some of his books, he is revelling in his lovely tidy room and I must say it looks great, I love to see him so happy. His visit to the doctor brought good news as his blood pressure is coming down nicely and a few more tweaks to his medication should sort it out. Once it is back to normal he will be able to begin his flying lessons so we have exciting times ahead. He has a holiday coming up and is off to Avebury, his spiritual home, his visit is in the nature of a pilgrimage and the energy from the stones always has a good effect on him. I am no longer able to go myself so my son takes my talismans each time and brings them back refreshed .
In September there are fewer new age nutters wandering about in fancy dress, chanting and defacing West Kennet with red candle wax as is there want to do, I am not sure what they are trying to achieve but I know that the magic will never work for such people as they have no idea what it is all about. You do not need a green robe and a load of candles to communicate with nature and avail yourself of her generosity, all you need is an open mind and a degree of humility in the face of such wonders. Here endeth the lesson!
Pa had a hospital appointment in central London so my son and I had I quiet afternoon, we both love Pa dearly but his condition can make him a bit of a trial at times. Short-term memory loss is a curse for all concerned. For those caring for someone with this condition it requires constant vigilance as you never know what the person may do next, it is very tiring and both my son and myself enjoy a little time off, time when we can relax our guard a little and be normal as it were. My son is such a tower of strength for me but I worry that he does not rest enough, I feel responsible and try to do all I can for him. He is a prince and deserves the best.
We are having cold meats and cheeses for dinner with fresh bread toast and pate and a nice pork pie. So no cooking for me this evening, Pa and I will eat up the leftovers for lunches over the weekend while my son is gaming with his tribe. Altogether it has been a lovely day, and I am very happy which is more than enough for me.
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