My son got away on time this morning, the taxi was prompt, the trains were on time and except for a small glitch at Sheffield station, which seems to be in a state of total disarray his journey went very well. He called me at three to let me know that he had arrived at his hotel and was about to have a nice pot of tea brought to his room. He has the same room as on his last visit and he tells me that the on-suite bathroom has received an upgrade and a lovely old rocking chair has been added to the already considerable comforts on offer.
He likes to be comfortable and a good menu is a must, his hotel in Castleton boasts a breakfast menu of twenty two separate dishes which is much nicer than just full English or Continental when one is staying for a week or so. From the windows of his room he has a view of Peveril Castle on the one side and Mam Tor on the other, you really cannot get much better than that.
I hope that he has a good relaxing break and returns to the fray refreshed, he is so very tired at the moment, he works much too hard I think.
Here at Orchard Cottage it was business as usual , the bread was made before my son left this morning and Pa and I had an unusually early breakfast which was nice for a change. I had a loaf to deliver to a friend at the local garden centre and while I was there I could not resist buying a few more plants, A pink foxglove and some gorgeous knifofia plants which I do not seem able to grow successfully from seed.
Our little cat is as usual picketing my sons room, she misses him when he is away and as soon as she sees the rucksack and hold all she becomes quite sad. She will most likely sleep on his bed tonight as she often does at such times.
Pa and I had fish for dinner, some beautiful plaice which I cooked simply by dipping them in seasoned flour and frying them quickly in clarified butter. I served them with some chips and a salad. My son hates fish so while the cats away and all that.
I am praying that Pa behaves himself this week as he can be a handful when my son is away and I often have a bad time of it , One thing is certain my lovely son will have the rest he needs and that makes me happy no matter what else goes wrong. I am planing a surprise or two for him on his return and we both look forward to hearing his travellers tales,so the cat and I will console each other and I must admit that I shall not miss the deadlines and constraints caused by his unusual working pattern. Every silver lining has a cloud? I think I got that wrong! One way or another we are all off the treadmill for a few days and that must do us all good I am sure.