Let me apologise at once for regaling you with endless ghost stories these past days, it was all because of a slight accident in the garden on Thursday.
It was such a beautiful spring like morning that I decided to venture at last in to my poor neglected garden. I decided to tackle the flower garden at the front of the house as I had some rather good perennials ready to plant. This could not be done of course until I had cleared away all the dead stalks left over from last year.
I strolled down to the bottom of the orchard to collect the wheelbarrow and that is when I fell and hurt my leg quite badly. There was no one within call and for a while I could not move, I was beginning to think I should be found the next morning probably frozen to the barrow........sorry about the awful joke. It took me about twenty minutes to get to my feet again and it was painfully obvious that I had done some damage to my already dodgy knee. My other leg too was quite bad as I had two deep cuts, a mass of bramble scratches and the beginnings of what have turned out to be some pretty spectacular bruises.
I hobbled back indoors and attended to the cuts, put witch hazel on the bruises and strapped up the injured knee as well as I could. Needless to say I did not do very much gardening after that but over the past two days I have managed to get the young plants out ans have given the garden a good thick mulch of bark chip to help retain moisture during the summer...if we get one this year....and in place of the thorough weeding that my injuries prevented me from accomplishing.
Another result of the accident has been that I am very much slower than usual and the chores are taking me much longer than usual, which has in turn left me little time for recreational writing, hence the stock footage as it were. I try to keep a story or two filed away in case of such emergencies as when I began to write my blog I promised myself that I would never miss a day.
I hope you enjoyed the spooky tales from my childhood years, you need not believe them if you prefer not to, they are a little far fetched I know.
Back to the present , my son finishes his last night at work before retreating to Derbyshire for a week to rest I hope and also to get on with his new book. He could not have chosen a more beautiful place that Castleton to spend his time, it has some spectacular scenery and lots of caves to explore if the weather is bad. I have done the walk from Mam Tor to Win Hill in all weathers and once flew a kite from the top of the Tor in a gale. Lord how the kite line screamed as it reeled out ,it was a wonderful day.
I shall miss my lovely lad but on the plus side Pa and I intent to eat all the things we love but never eat because my son dislikes them. Such delicacies as steak and kidney pudding, lots of fish dishes and NO CHICKEN !
I shall of course kill the fatted calf on his return, laden with dirty laundry, it will be worth it to have him home again.
Now I am off to have a bath to sooth my aches and pains, I shall put in some Epsom salts which are very soothing and make the water silky soft. After that it will be cookies and a glass of milk and hopefully a good nights sleep. H If not there is always the cat for comp[any and a film or two so good night to you all, sweet dreams.
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