Well it finally happened , the entire computer system at my sons place of employment died last night. To be truthful the only wonder is that it did not happen sooner, the writing has been on the wall for over a year.
The hardware is pretty ancient and the constant bolting on of new software and increased capacity has been causing minor shut downs with alarming regularity. They are trying to run a sports car with a lawnmower engine and the people who have to use the system have been warning the powers that be of the folly of allowing the situation the worsen. for some considerable time..
The recently installed M. D had been on duty for almost thirty hours without a break. By the time my son left this morning. Hats off to the man, it is more than his predecessor would have done.
The truth is that past management decisions have been to say the least rather woolly minded and by the time a new Exec was brought in the damage was too far gone . The slash and burn attitude to staffing levels means that there is no back up for emergencies such as these.
My son arrived home late and did not go to bed until after twelve pm. This is catastrophic as he has to be up again at five to get ready for work.
His praise for his team is of the highest sort and his gratitude for their loyalty knows no bounds,they volunteered to stay behind to a man....and woman.
It is however my opinion that the company has been trading of this loyalty for far too long.
If I ran a business which was dependent on its vehicles I should be sure to keep them in good repair, and if they did break down I would not expect my drivers to deliver the goods to my customers by wheelbarrow, This is in effect what the workforce have been asked to do. It makes no sense to me but then who am I to question the wisdom of “The Top Brass” All I know is that if you do not keep your knives good and sharp the only things they will cut is your fingers.
I hope that this gets sorted soon for every ones sake as in this climate customers can be very unforgiving.
I gave my son an extra hour in bed and changed the dinner menu from cottage pie to home made beef and sun dried tomato burgers in an attempt to cheer him up a little. I I also tried a new way of cooking potatoes. I used a spiral cutter to make long curls of potato and then cooked them quickly in a little ground nut oil in a very hot oven, they were very good and tasted a little like chips but somewhat more crispy.
With yesterdays left over mashed potato I made three dozen potato cakes on the griddle,I used a heart shaped cutter and they will make a lovely breakfast for Valentines day when my son begins his week off. Perhaps with a rasher or two of crisp bacon and an egg.
I still have not tackled the blessed ironing yet but tomorrow I really must bite the bullet and get it done, I run the risk of being buried under a mountain of creased shirts every time I open the airing cupboard! We almost lost the cat this morning and she is still giving me looks of reproach when ever she see,s me.
On a different subject entirely, my hearty congratulations to the people of Egypt, especially the young ones who have risked so much to gain their countries freedom. Tyrants beware, who ever and where ever you are
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