I have had the oddest day, strange things have happened for which I can only account by declaring my self insane. I stood by and watched my marbles roll down the hill and out of sight and by the end of the afternoon I was practical gibbering!
It began s soon as I awoke this morning, I looked at the clock leapt out of bed and began to scurry about, the clock said twenty five to ten and I was in a fine panic. My son bleary eyed appeared on the landing and asked my, quite politely under the circumstances what I was doing, rushing about at ten to seven? I checked the clock...he was quite right....note to self....get eyes tested, that's is the second time I have done that this week.
I suppose breakfast went quite well, we had cheesy oatcakes all hot and bubbly with a pot of tea and some orange juice. Pa managed to get up for breakfast and apart from the fact that I kept on forgetting the grill all went well.
Now comes the shame making bit! I set off for the shops with a strange shopping list
1 large bag of oatmeal
pork scratchings
2 x 3 packs of large men's boxer shorts
2x5 packs of men's cotton socks
large food bags
spring onions
It looks simple , but looks can be deceiving. I picked up the oat meal, grabbed the scratchings, left the spring onions as they looked wizened up and ancient , found the food bags and then moved up stairs via the lift for the other items. I noticed with pleasure that they had the particular sort of tights that I like and I took three pairs, they have been out of stock for weeks and I was getting desperate. On to the men's section, first the boxer shorts. They did not have the black ones favoured by my son so I rummaged about and found two three pack of grey, they would be fine.......I thought. Next the socks, this was tricky as I had to by something totally different to those worn by Pa , I should hate the sock wars to break out again, happily I found some brightly coloured socks and with my mission accomplished I headed for the check out.
I was happy on my way home and congratulated myself upon the success of my trip.... Pride always goeth before a fall! I unpacked the bag of shopping and distributed the goods , my son looked puzzled, he held out one of the packs of boxer shorts and exclaimed over the fact that there seemed to be a pair missing, I searched my bag........nothing.. I must have picked one up with a pair short. My dear boy was very nice about it and told me not to worry, he went upstairs to put the rest of the things away. Within a moment he returned and announced that the other set of boxers were the wrong size.....and so they were! Again my son was sweet about the mistake and Pa said that he would pay for them as they were the perfect fit for him. Half way up stairs my son stopped and I heard him exclaim”Bugger!” Apparently one of the two packs of socks was also the wrong size.
When did they start selling men's socks in different sizes? Pa was laughing his head off and my son laughed so much that he had to sit down.....I felt a complete idiot.
It is certain that I shall never live this down. The story will pass in to the annals of family history and be told and retold down the generations. Like the time when my gran fell through the green house roof while trying to wash the windows. She escaped unscathed but the tomatoes looked like hedgehogs, full of glass shards ! Like the time when my aunt refused to take two pint tins of paint as the shop had no quart tins. She informed the shopkeeper that two pints would be far too much! I am doomed!
It was so good to all be laughing again that a really did not mind much., It blew away all the unhappiness of yesterday.
I made a batch of beef burgers for dinner and served them with fried onion rings and buns with a salad. I also made two lemon drizzle cakes and there was the raspberry jelly which I made yesterday with fresh raspberry juice and a large slug of raspberry vodka, nicely set in the fridge.
Steak burgers
1ib steak mince
4 sun dried tomatoes finely chopped
2 ounces of bread crumbs
1 teaspoon of onion salt
Pepper to taste
1 dessert spoon of chopped fresh rosemary or half a teaspoon of dried.
Put all the ingredients in to a bowl and squeeze them together until they form a lump.
Divide in to six pieces and shape in to burgers. This is easy to do on a flat surface patting them and turning the round. Chill for two hours and the cook in a frying pan or grill for four minutes on each side. This recipe also make very good neat balls. Just shape the mixture in to walnut sized pieces, fry in a little oil until the brow and then add to your favourite pasta sauce.
I hope that the laugh I have given you today makes up for yesterdays appalling blog. Oh yes, I almost forgot, I accidental gave the cat a lump of onion instead of a piece of burger, she looked at me with such witheringly scorn, I think I may be becoming absent minded...Hey Ho!
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