Most of today was spent preparing for my sons holiday which begins tomorrow. A great deal of stuff has to be packed into a small holdall and a medium sized ruck sack, fortunately I do this so often that it is almost second nature and with care everything comes out at the other end barely creased at all. When ever I pack for my son or for Pa when he goes in to hospital I always include a typed list of everything in the cases, this makes packing up at the end of the holiday much less fraught, and if you have lost an item at least you know what it is. I am not sure if that makes sense but at least I know what I mean!
At this time of the year you can be fairly certain that the weather in Derbyshire's Dark Peak will be cold. Only once in all the years I lived there do I remember a week in march that was so warm that we went swimming in a deep pool at Milldale. Sweaters , fleeces and thick corduroy shirts are the order of the day and warm pyjamas as many of the lovely old hotels do not have double glazing.
Once the packing had been done I popped out to the shops for a few last minute toiletries and some treats for the cat. We ran out of these last night and by bed time she was demanding a new supply with menaces. Before I was halfway to the shops it began to pour with rain so I quickly donned my yellow waterproof poncho......not at all attractive but very practical and continued on my merry way.
When I arrived home everyone, including the cat was fast asleep, I can not help feeling that something is not quite right but hey-ho there is no use fretting about it. I woke the men folk GENTLY!....with a mug of coffee and then went upstairs to dry out. My word I did look peculiar, my hair stuck up in a very odd fashion and my nose was an unflattering shade of red, due no doubt to the freezing rain which had battered me all the way home.
It was lovely to slip on a warm fleece dressing gown and some soft slippers while I found myself some dry things to wear. Afterwards I sipped my coffee and treated myself to a shortbread biscuit, I felt I deserved a little reward.
We had dinner very early tonight as my son has not slept since Saturday afternoon and is making an early start in the morning. I am to make him a breakfast of toasted cheese before he leaves , I doubt if Pa will join us so I shall feed him later.
It will be quiet without my son at home, he laughs and make jokes all the time and it is almost impossible to be miserable in his presence. I an praying for some fine weather so that I can spend some time in the garden next week, although I am still very sore from my fall I think that perhaps a little trot about in the vegetable garden will do me good . I always fell better when I am out of doors.
The cat Twiggy is as I write draped across the windowsill with her paws upon the radiator and is purring blissfully, she has now received some of t=her cat treats and so honour is satisfied.
From time to time a ladybird crawls over her fur and she twitches a little but is far too lazy to move today. After several days spent cavorting about the garden poor puss has for the time being returned to her winter habits and I expect that she will spend tonight curled up either on my bed or Pa's. She misses my son dreadfully when he is away and often spends whole days sitting either on his bed or outside his bedroom door. The moment he returns the contrary little madam proceeds to ignore him utterly, she really is an odd little beast.
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