I am not in the best of moods at the moment, having spent a large part of the afternoon bagging up rubbish and assembling a huge pile off tat to be taken away by “The Rubbish Man”. There was no help available and once again I found myself alone with this noxious task. I have since read the riot act to the men folk in the family about their tendency to stuff the sheds with cardboard boxes, old sound systems,and large bags of polystyrene chips and bubble wrap. They even leave them in the garden and when they get wet they are unpleasant to handle. Now I have always the sort of woman to muck in with the dirty jobs but excuse me if I wonder why when there are two men in the house it is always I who end up knee deep in festering piles of rubbish. The boys paid the price of their delicacy in such matters as it took me so long to finish the job that dinner was two hours late. I refused to prepare a meal until I had washed my hair and taken a bath... I positively reeked!
I pointed out that if my son had not spent the afternoon in Twickenham and Pa would desist from hiding bags of rubbish and old surgical gloves in odd places they might have been spared a fair display of temperament on my part.. This is a speech I have delivered too often and I am sure that there will be no improvement as this seems to be a blind spot, to quote Charlie Brown “Argh!”
My new bed is wonderful and totally silent , no creaks bumps or boings.......bliss. It was lovely just to lie there enjoying the silence and I am looking forward to another silent night tonight.
I cooked the boys a breakfast of bacon sandwiches this morning. I always cook bacon on a griddle as I can get at least twelve rashers on to cook at once which is well as the boys can eat huge amounts of bacon..
Tonight I cooked pork for dinner with jacket wedges and dips and a lots of salad and trenchers of day old bread. If I do not cook this meal at least once a fortnight there is trouble with the troops!
One lovely thing about the rubbish cleaning was the presence of my tame Robin and his mate. The moving of rubbish and old timber disturbed a good many grubs, bugs and beasties, much to the robin,s delight an I had the very great pleasure of watching them feast right royally. My Robin appears to have reclaimed his territorial rights to the back garden ,for how long who knows?
I shall make pancakes for breakfast for the boys tomorrow to make up for my impatience with their foibles today,but, was ever a poor woman so provoked? It will not hurt them to be in the dog house for a while.
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