Today I decided to rearrange the bathroom instead of just giving it the usual clean and it turned out to be one of those jobs that you wish you had never started. It did look a little untidy, mostly because no one ever puts anything away, so that the contents of the medicine drawer and the first aid drawer are all too frequently seen decorating the top of the cupboard or the windowsill. Add to this the casual way in which the men folk of the house casually toss used towels in a heap on the floor and you can picture the scene.
Armed to the teeth with cleaning cloths and various bottles of cleaning fluid, all claiming to cut the cleaning time in half (a likely story) I made my first assault on the mess by removing every thing from the bathroom,it was at this moment that I discovered that that some kind soul had in the not too distant past sat down in the bath with a bump and had caused a wash of water to soak in to a twelve pack of loo rolls rendering them useless and a trifle mouldy. They were dispatched to the dustbin at once.
With the room empty I gave the place a good clean and then began the business of putting all the cupboards ,drawers laundry baskets and chairs back in to place. Our bathroom is perhaps a little unusual in so far as it has a library for the edification of those using the facilities and so that the shinning hour may be improved by a gaining of knowledge. These books range from Jeremy Clark sons latest offering to books of humorous epitaphs and a book of choice insults in Latin, as you can see we have a wide range of interests. Murder mysteries and novels have been banned as they have in the past been the cause of traffic snarl ups on the landing when some one reaches an interesting bit and can not put the book down!
Having got the furniture out I was for a time unable to work out a new lay out for the room but with perseverance and a lot of cursing I eventually managed to create a new and hopefully easier to keep tidy lay out.
Unfortunately I had become so engrossed in the task that I completely forgot the time and when at last I received a plaintive enquire about dinner I realised that it was well past five and I had not even begun the preparations for the meal.
The next hour or so was a blur of cooking savoury mince and boiling potatoes,,carrots and parsnips and at last A large cottage pie topped with melted cheese and accompanied by a large jug of gravy was on the table ready for my poor hungry boys.
I must say that the food vanished in record time and after washing up I crawled up the stairs to my newly furbished bathroom and treated myself to a good long soak, much needed as I looked horribly dishevelled and soon the poor old scrubber was a clean as the bathroom.
And now my bed awaits me and my little cat Twiggy is impatient for her nightly cuddle so I will wish you a good night and pleasant dreams.
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