It is all too true, troubles never do come singly, today they have raged through the house like express trains causing mayhem and creating problems for all concerned. Not least of my troubles was the fact that I could access the internet, this is still the case as I write so it is by no means certain that I shall be able to publish a blog tonight. still I shall press on .I suppose that it has not been too bad, just a succession of small aggravating little hiccups, the sort that cause delays and make everything take much longer than it should. It began this morning when my slippers disappeared again, it is the second time this week that this has happened. They vanished for the first time on Thursday and did not return until Saturday. Today they vanished again only this time I did not waste any time searching for the blessed things as I did that on Friday and Saturday only to have the turn up exactly where I had left them on Wednesday night. Since the other members of the household deny all knowledge of the matter and I do not believe the cat capable of dragging them off I can only conclude that either I am going dotty of the resident ghost has taken a fancy to them as she once did to a nice red scarf which vanished so often that I gave up on it completely.
Today was bread day and this does not usually give me any problems at all , today was different. In order to get five loaves in to the oven I have to use the right size tins and trays, this morning one of the flat trays was missing, I hunted all around and came up empty handed and so I was obliged to use a slightly larger tray. This caused one of the loaves to squash up on the side of another and the resulting loaf is rather Igoresque.
Next I took one of the loaves to a friend for who works at the garden centre, I decided to buy some plants while I was out and spent ages choosing some real beauties only to discover that I did not have my purse with me.
At various time during the course of the day my telephone rang, just twice and then silence. On the first occasion I called the number they had left only to have the person on the other end declare themselves as baffled as myself as to why I should have been called. Subsequently I did not bother to answer the telephone at all if it was I tone I did not recognise..
These are however minor irritations and to be truthful I have had worse days, I just wish that the Iron had done a vanishing act, but unfortunately it was all to visible and so I had not excuse for not ploughing my way through yet another mountain of wrinkled togs!
Hoorah! My internet connection is working again so I think I shall publish this load of old waffle while the going is good. I shall buy a new baking tray tomorrow and some plants too if I have the time. Keep safe and keep your eye on the ball, or someone might nick it!
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