After yesterdays disclosures almost everyone is prepared to do battle with the marauding forces who are attacking our little village and threatening both the wildlife and our peace and quite.
This morning I received a rasher guarded e mail from our local planning department promising to look in to the matter and contact us with their findings as soon as possible. They only have to log on to the new hotel's web site to see what is going on but hey-ho who am I to criticise their methods?
Today has been quite busy but thankfully less so than yesterday. Just as well really as we were all pretty well shattered after yesterday's goings on. My son's guests enjoyed their evening and I believe many monsters were slain in the great battle which took place in the kitchen, there was also much hilarity and the consumption of crisps and cola was up to the usual average . My son, bless him tidied up last night so that I had a nice clean kitchen to bake bread in this morning. While the bread baked we had a breakfast of buttered crumpets toasted muffins and croissant with strawberry jam, after which, well stuffed we began the Friday chores which I must say we finished in record time.
We were just preparing to have dinner when a friend arrived to talk to us about the hotel. Apparently the broadcasting of information yesterday had really set the cat amongst the pigeons and we are now quite sure that we know who is really at the bottom of this. The question now is weather money will triumph over the law and public opinion as it usually does. We are determined to fight to the last to keep one of the last bits of rural London safe from the developers. It is as a neighbour said yesterday. Us ordinary folk have to get planning permission even for a satellite dish while the rich landowners can build hotels and even supermarkets on their land and get away with it. This type of thing makes a mockery of democracy, that much is certain.
I expect all of this might make you think that I am a militant rabble rouser but nothing is further from the truth. All I ask is a quiet life and to be left alone to live it.it does seem at time that what little we ordinary people have is under threat from those who already have too much and this is true the world over. You only have to look at what is happening in parts of the United States of America to see that even in the land of the free you need to be very brave to stand up to the vested interest of those in authority. I watched with disbelief a documentary about Detroit a few weeks ago. Mo town as it was know in my young days is now almost a ghost town with deserted streets and derelict factories. What happens to the folks who built that town and others like it. All the hard work and suffering and sacrifice of the ordinary people who made the city great. They have been sold down the river because of a greedy minority who always seem to come out smelling of roses.
Sorry about the rant but I feel the injustice of this type of thing very keenly. We must all look to ourselves and make our wishes known . It is time that the politicians remembered that they are the servants of the people and not vice versa. There is an old saying. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Perhaps these people should remember just who it is who is paying for them to sit in their fancy offices. Maybe it is long past time.
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