I should have attended a committee meeting of the local conservation society this morning at eleven o'clock, unfortunately the fates conspired against me in such a way as to make it impossible.
My son, who normally arrives home at about seven forty five was not in until well after nine and with much to talk about .His meeting with the head honcho coincided with a complete systems shut down . I had already started the process of getting Pa out of bed and the auspices were not good when after four attempts to wake him he was still snoring like a chainsaw.
While my son took a bath I tried gain and this time he woke from his comatose state declaring that he had not had a wink of sleep all night...........history had better not record my response to this statement!
By ten thirty he was out of bed and I received a call from our secretary during which I broke the news that I would be absent from the assembly. I also mentioned in passing that I was rather fed up about the fact that our chairman is incommunicado for most of the time. He does not answer his phone, he does not answer messages and in spite if the fact that he has a computer declares that he is “not techy” and can not be asked to use his e mail .
This poses problems for us all and it seems to me that the only time we have a chairman at all is during committee meetings when apart from occasional meaningful looks at his young wife he does not seem to contribute much other than to make up the numbers. I should have liked to put this to him at the meeting but perhaps it was as well that I did not. You may be able to tell from the tenor of this blog that I am , shall we say less than pleased with his performance.
The secretary and myself both have invalids to care for and she also has a full time job yet we manage most of our commitments, in fact today is the first time I have let them down .
Enough of this frippery. I finally go Pa to the breakfast table and our neighbour joined us which was fun and Pa woke up at once and even had a goon a new type of computer which our neighbour brought with him. On of those sort that have no key board, I think Pa fell in love with it and I expect he will want one of those now.
I baked bread this morning and while we talked I prepared the vegetables for tonight's dinner of sausages, mashed potato and onion sauce with carrots ,parsnips and swede. I dashed out to the cash point and them picked up a few supplies , fresh fruit and sarsaparilla and some clotted cream.
I was so late back that I had no time to do the ironing and as you can imagine I was deeply grieved about that.
I do not know where the time has gone today ,I seem to have been moving very fast and achieving very little, we all have days like that from time to time. Are we down hearted, not at all. The ironing is going no where and at least all is well with my son ,even P a looks brighter now than I have seen him in ages. All is well, my snug bed awaits me and my little cat is anxious to have her tummy tickled, my last commitment, and a very pleasant one before I turn in for the night. Heres to tomorrow, may it have more hours in it than today !
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