Merry Christmas every one, I hope you are having a lovely time, well stuffed with turkey, goose of whatever your chosen dinner was
For me this has been a fine Christmas full of happiness and even a few surprises. It began at about eight this morning, I had sneaked the toaster upstairs last night ans a small electric kettle so while my son made coffee I prepared two slices of toast each. We watched a DVD of Wind in the Willows
a favourite with us since my son was small and often watched in the morning.
Our secret picnic allowed Pa to have a lie in without causing my son and I had kept one of my sons gifts upstairs and I to be famished. He collects Russian space badges and as he had no means to display then I purchased two beautiful display cases so that he can hang them in his room The badges are enamelled and look very fine in their new home, we had fun hanging them up. Amidst all the careful preparations last night I neglected to provide us with a hammer. After a good deal of giggling and much ado we hammered the pins in to the wall with my wooden hair brush, an experience from which it is unlikely to recover.
We woke Pa with a cup of tea and I made fresh bread for the day while Pa got dressed and pulled himself together. The the parcel opening began. The camera given to me by my son is just wonderful, it has 4x optical zoom and loads of other things I have yet to fathom, I am more pleased than I can say to be the owner of such a fine piece of equipment. Pa loves his computer, and spent most of the afternoon getting acquainted with it. My son was as usual over whelmed with shirts, t shirts and so forth, it is difficult to buy for him as he buys almost everything he wants, This year Pa and I tracked down an enormous black fur Mongolian rug, the sort of thing you would find hanging in a Yurt. He wrapped himself in it anjd looked even more like a Viking warrior that usual., I must say it looks smashing in his newly furbished room..
Among my presents was a bottle of Advocat from the boys next door, a complete surprise and I have no idea how they knew I liked the stuff as I never admit to drinking anything but beer , vodka and the occasional Gin. I was given a bottle of Je Reviens perfume , my favourite sort and some very naughty chocolates... three boxes, so there goes my diet for a few days.
We had a second breakfast of cheese oatcakes rather late and Later I exchanged greeting with our neighbour as we fed the birds.
The afternoon was a lazy grown up Christmas afternoon,with each of us gloating over our gifts, Oh I forgot to mention my fur rug, given me by Pa , a beautiful cream colour and so snuggly, of course the cat Twiggy appropriated it the moment I layed it on the bed, typical.
My son cooked our breakfast this morning and as our evening meal was of cold roast beef, cold turkey, cheeses and a large pork pie I had almost no cooking to do today, and it was a treat, I only occurs once a year but I love it. The cakes were a success and the chocolate log survived intact.......pheeeeeew!
I called my mother this morning, I wish with all my heart that she could be with us, we had a long chat, She had opened all her gifts, We always send a big box for her with a dozen or so gifts inside. The tradition began the Christmas after my father died, I knew how sad she would be so I arranged for the box of gifts to be delivered to her room by my brother on Christmas morning along with a cup of tea , we have been doing it ever since, almost thirty years.
When my son was small Christmas was hectic and the day began at about four in the morning, He was such a dear little boy, small, sweet but so very clever, he was reading Enid Blyton books by the time he was two ,so his gifts were not always toys. I loved the little boy with my whole heart, yet I love and admire the man he has become still more, I know how lucky we are to have such a son, and count my blessings often.
I have waffled on quite long enough, it has been an exciting and yet peaceful day, everything special and wonderful. I have made my Christmas wish, I can not tell you what it is but it is the same wish I make every year. The sky is clear tonight and full of stars, there will be a frost I am sure,Our tame fox has just been to collect his share of tonight,s dinner and out little cat is fast asleep, her tummy full of turkey. Boxing day is still to come, I do love Christmas.
Have a wonderful holiday, however you chose to spend it, and may all you Christmas wishes come true