(And a much better day)
First let me apologize for yesterday, it is not often that I get so discouraged,and to burden you with my problems was unpardonable. It was, however therapeutic and after a reasonable nights sleep for once things looked brighter today.
Pa got up without a fight and wonder of wonders actually washed the early morning coffee mugs, a thing he has not done for months. It was fortunate that he was up early as a friend of my sons arrived much earlier than expected, something to do with the trains I believe. He is such a lovely person, more like a brother to my son than a friend and we treat him as a member of the family. Of course we asked him to join us for breakfast, cooked by my son, a fact which impressed our guest enormously.
Once the meal was over they departed to their game and I tucked Pa up for a nap in his armchair, and while he slept I popped out to the garden centre for a few odds and ends . The garden centre is at the top of the lane less than half a mile from our house and the head of the lane in exactly opposite our cottage. During the past week we have begun to notice large numbers of Christmas trees disappearing down the lane tied on to the roof s of cars, sticking out of windows and one left in a rickshaw would you believe. Today the trickle became a flood, tree after tree, from tiny to enormous rolled past our window, quite a few rolled off the car roofs too as the corner is very sharp where the two lanes meet. I swear that you could hear the twanging of bungees in the living room, not to mention some rather unsavoury language from time to time!
By the time I arrived at the garden centre myself there were not many trees left judging by the large empty areas, the smell of pine trees was lovely though.
Back at home I woke Pa with a coffee and then set about the ironing....*!**!*, then washed my hair.
Dinner tonight came from the Gospel according to Saint Floyd and very good it was. Pot roast partridge on a bed of winter vegetables in a sauce made from port wine blackberry jelly and fresh orange juice. I love Floyd,s recipes, they celebrate the food rather than the chef, ( current celebrity chefs take note).
I have been given a huge box of M and S chocolate biscuits, such a treat, we are keeping then to eat while watching our favourite shows.
My son is back at work tomorrow , the last shifts before Christmas, I hope he has an east week but I expect it will be frantic as usual, the news does not stop because of holidays after all.
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