There is a peaceful calm about boxing day which I have always loved, I have heard others say that Boxing day is always an anti climax , but I do not agree. All the frantic preparations are over at last, the feverish anticipation has dissipated and a cheerful calm settles over the house.
It is a lovely lazy day, a day to enjoy the free time with no huge dinner to cook, no excited children dragging everyone out if bed at the crack of dawn, I love it.
We had a long lie in this morning and then a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs with sausages , bacon rashers and hot buttered toast, washed down with a large pot of strong tea.. I n the afternoon there are always games to play, sometimes board games and sometimes cards, a few drinks and of course lots of chocolates.
The evening meal is cold meats and cheeses again, no cooking, hoorah! The Christmas cake takes pride of place on the table and we pull yet more crackers, is it my imagination or do the jokes get worse every year?
The feeling of being on holiday is wonderful as is the cosy brightness of the candles and decorations.
I love my new camera and have spent some time snapping everything like a cut rate David Bailey, It does a lot of stuff I have not yet fathomed but the pictures are good I think.
Pa is very happy with his little lap top and my son is pleased with his giant fur throw
his bed now looks as if it belongs to a warrior chieftain!
Sadly our holiday ends tomorrow as my son returns to work , we console ourselves with the fact that in a weeks time he will have another seven days off so we shall have another Christmas, eating up the remaining chocolates , nuts and other goodies....I was given so many chocolates this year that it will take quite a while to eat them all. I am sure I shall have all the help I need to accomplish their demolition.
The lane is very quite today, only a few small children trying out new bicycles and scooters and a tiny girl proudly pushing her dolly along in its smart new pram.
The birds in our garden have been busy all day at the feeders and wonder of wonders , this morning a beautiful Mistle Thrush appeared on the wall, attracted by the raisins no doubt. It has been a long time since our garden was graced by one of these ,now sadly rare birds, and we feel honoured to play host and to provide its Christmas meals.
I have a date with my son to watch “Top Gear”tonight , we are both great fans of the show, it is one of the few programmes left that ignores political correctness, and non the worse for that
I am going now to have a nice hot bath and try out a new bottle of bubbles, if any one asks to come in to the bathroom while I wallow the answer will be, as Lance Corporal Jones would say, “In the infirmative!”
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