Today the dear old boy is sixty one, quite a mile stone and so we celebrated. To begin with we let the old boy sleep until eleven o clock and then woke him with a cup of coffee while I made his favourite breakfast of blueberry muffins, By the time they were ready My son and I were starving ,we ate seven each.
Pa opened his gifts, a huge fur throw and a bottle of port from me and a years subscription to a railway magazine from our son., he had cards too and one contained a cheque from my mother.
Pa had asked for a hazel nut Pavlova for his birthday cake so as soon as we had finished breakfast I set about making a large one. Soon the kitchen smelled wonderfully of toasted hazel nuts and I am happy to say that it came out if the oven an hour later quite perfect. Once it had cooled I loaded it with whipped double cream, blueberries, wine berries, white chocolate drops and dark chocolate shavings,it looked great and tasted good too,we all are to much..
We had already eaten a large rib eye steak each with jacket and salad, so that by the time we had finished the meal we could barely move.
During the afternoon we had a few games of Carcasonne and Draughts , I lost every time but it was fun to play and eat chocolates, and very naughty.
I am sleepy tonight so I am now going to have a hot bath and then it,s off to bed for me.
Night night everyone.
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