I got busy this morning and made the bread as soon as I got up,I needed to make two baguettes and three large bloomers today as we were completely out of bread.
Pa and I had a breakfast of poached eggs on the last four slices of toasting bread left in the crock, I blame the large jar of dripping for the mysterious disappearance of two loaves since yesterday,it is very tempting.
Pa wanted to go in to the village and as he seemed quite bright I thought the fresh air would be good for him, he does not go out much in the bad weather. While he was gone I baked a huge batch of cookies, I used up lots of the lovely things in the store cupboard left over from the Christmas baking and invented a new cookie, I call them Ramshaw rocks. They are named after a fabulous place in the Staffordshire moorlands close to my home .If you watched the Colin Firth version of “Pride and Prejudice you will have seen a part of them. Elizabeth Bennett stands on the top of one of the peaks looking out towards Hollinsclough, the road through which is also used in the same episode.
I must be the only women in the whole world who did not go dippy over Colin Firth, I just could not see it somehow.
Back to the cookies, I made a large amount of mixture and by the time I had finished the kitchen table was full, since I am expecting visitors this is no bad thing.
Poor old puss is most seriously displeased with the weather just now, she hates the drizzle and only goes outside for practical reasons, after which she bangs on the kitchen window or rattles the door to be let back in. This morning she did the fastest ever wee in one of my flower pots, note to me, do not use the potted thyme for a few days!
Dinner tonight was pasta cheese with ham for my son and a cauliflower cheese for Pa and I, we have an abundance of Stilton at the moment having been given lots at Christmas.
My son has New Years Eve off work this year, not that it will be much use to him as he has to work on New Years Day. Most people have New Years Day off but this does not apply to my sons place of work, it seems odd but ours not to reason why, ours but to take what ever bull..... gets thrown at us and smile as if we like it. I must say he does not seem to mind, I think he has and all night game planned.
For myself I have always disliked the New Years Eve knees up. It seems odd to celebrate having survived another year, and of course there is next year to worry about. Hogmanay in Scotland is a real celebration, in this country it is just and excuse to get plastered, well who needs an excuse to do that!
Pay no attention to me I just think the whole thing is humbug, I can not help it.
At least we shall see the New Year in together and observe all the customary superstitious practices , the its off to bed for me , I shall watch a DVD, I cannot stand another of Jules Holland's dreadful epics.........HUMBUG.
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