Today our Christmas holiday begins at last., the moment my son came home from work the festivities began. He had been to and early morning party with his friends from work and was in high spirits. We celebrated with coffee and brandy and made our plans for tomorrow. I am having a no cooking day, it will be fish and chips tonight but tomorrow the special Christmas meals will begin.
In the afternoon our neighbour came round, for tea, he brought with him a lovely picnic basket, a lamp and a camera tripod, the later will be most useful as I am getting a camera for Christmas. We shall find the picnic basket a help in the summer when we eat in the orchard as it will mean that we have to make less journeys to and fro with plates and cutlery.
While we were having tea another kind neighbour called and offered to take our rubbish bags to the road for us as the path was so slippery, really people can be so very kind and we are fortunate to have so many caring friends about us. I have known her father for many years, we used to have adjacent allotments, I gave her a bottle of damson Gin for the family, she did not want to take it at first but We eventually persuaded her. She also offered to pick up shopping for us as she works next door to a supermarket. People like her are pure gold and can not be valued too highly I think.
The sky is heavy with snow and as I write the first flakes are falling,I a happy that my son does not have to battle his way through the weather tonight, he is so tired and will be tucked up in bed well before eight tonight, poor boy.
My neighbour is also on holiday now so he will be joining us for breakfast during the week until he goes to spend the holiday with his family.
The cakes are going down well, I an glad I made so many as we are sure to have lots of callers this week, I to be caught with an empty cake tin would cause a scandal in the village from which my reputation might never recover.
I expect the cat will try to get in to bed again tonight, if my hot water bottle goes cold I may let her!
I must say that I feel very sorry for all the poor travellers who are trying to get home for the holidays. I know I should break my heart if it happened to me, although I love the snow I hope it holds off long enough for every one to make it home.
I am off now to wash my hair, I was too tired to do it yesterday and I look a bit frazzled, frost makes my hair frizz, rain makes it curly and hot weather makes it straight. It is very long and I look like an old witch, which indeed I am, perhaps it is time I had it chopped off. Perhaps not.
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