For some reason I was very tired all day today which was odd as I slept quite well last night, better than I have for ages. I got up late as I did not want to disturb my son who has to work tonight, and I had intended to keep today as quite and calm as possible.
I had the kitchen to myself and took advantage of the fact by making two large trays of shortbread as the biscuit tins are empty, and soon the kitchen smelled wonderful.
Pa surfaced as the trays went into the oven and my son arrived in the kitchen as they were taken out to cool. I was, by now, feeling very odd indeed, dizzy, weak and extremely tired, I was almost overwhelmed by the feeling of exhaustion, not the best start to a working day. I made a quick breakfast of poached eggs on toast and after clearing the dishes away I am afraid to say that I was obliged to go back to bed,leaving Pa to feed the birds
I cuddled down in my soft fur rug and promptly fell asleep for two hours, I was awakened by the cat who assured me in urgent tones that she had not yet been fed. On investigating her claims I discovered them to be correct and provided remedy for her distress with a sachet of her favourite cat food to which I added some snippets of cold turkey,
I realised by this time that today was a right off so with a good grace I prepared the meat sauce for tonight,s lasagne and set the milk to infuse with garlic, bay and peppercorns, and made a pot of fresh French coffee which we all enjoyed.
Normally I dislike days when I do nothing constructive but today I made exception, I really had no choice, actually in some ways I rather enjoyed doing nothing for a change, however the prospect of having to do double duty tomorrow rather took the guilt of the gingerbread. The weather forecast for tomorrow suggests more snow, I do hope so, perhaps not so much as the people on the North East coast of America are getting though as my son will be travelling .
I expect everything will be back to normal tomorrow, at least I hope so as I must bake bread in the morning and I observe that the lid will not fit on the laundry basket, a fact which I have been ignoring for several days,I expect their will soon be a chorus of enquires after the whereabouts of shirts, socks and other items of apparel.
Considering how much time I have spent lying about today I shall be very glad to got back to bed, I am still feeling woozy!
Hand now aving bored you to tears I shall stop writing until I am my usual merry self , good night all.
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