Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Tonight we had a romantic dinner by candle light, courtesy of Southern Electric and an inopportune power failure. I was about to wake my son with a cup of tea when we were plunged into darkness.
Being a country lass I am well used to these events and always keep candles and matches at hand so in no time at all the candles blazed and all the old oil lamps and hurricane lamps were lit. I must say the house looked lovely, I do love candle light.
We called Southern electric and went through the rigmarole of button pressing and discovered that the power was out over quite a wide area. Then the lights came on, don't blow the candles out I shrieked and sure enough the lights went out again five minutes later.
Then came the question of what to do about dinner, and thank the Gods for duel fuel cookers.
Omelettes were a possibility or soup perhaps, we had lots of cheese and plenty of mushrooms and new bread so omelettes were decided upon. Each of us had a three egg omelette and very nice they were.
I would have liked something more substantial as I missed breakfast this morning and lunch too now I come to mention it, still needs must when the devil drives.
The cat of course never turned a hair she dozed all the way through our crisis which was as well, I should have hated one of us to meet her on the stairs in the gloom.

The lights came on again but could not be trusted and I wrote my blog as an act of faith as the modem was not working. This of course pays me out for saying that I seldom had anything much to write about, I knew when I wrote it that I was tempting fate

Still the candle light is lovely and made us feel rather festive, while we ate our frugal meal.
I have spent the entire day baking while Pa was out, bread,cakes and six dozen oatcakes for breakfasts next week I think that if the power stays on I shall have a very large succulent bacon sandwich for my supper...... of some grilled kippers. ?..perhaps not!

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