All went well this morning, too well as it turned out, I ought to have realised that some where a spanner would be waiting to drop into the works and of course it did My son was it early for once and even more remarkable was the fact that Pa got up on tome and with no prodding , shouting or pleading from me. Breakfast was a lovely peaceful meal of baked beans on toast and tea. All fine so far. It was at this point I discovered that I had no brown paper to wrap around the out side of the cake tin to prevent burning. “Oh bother, bum and oh dear me.” I said.
Undaunted I trundled quickly to the local news agent , there was plenty of time I told myself, and indeed there was. I picked up the required item .and scuttled back home.
Now where did I put my special Christmas cake recipe?
This question occupied the next two hours, I had only used it a couple of days ago and I knew exactly where it should have been, and of course it was missing. Ages later after much searching and scrabbling about I decided to wing it and do the blessed cake from memory.
Now I do have a large number of Christmas cake recipes most of which are far too complex, this recipe is my own but owing to the fact that I only use it once a year I forget the exact amounts.
On a wing and a prayer I set to work while Pa continued to riffle through my recipe books to see if he could find it........ what a hope. I completed the cake mixing and began the long cooking process using a guesstimate as to the temperature, there followed several hours of nail biting and fervent prayer.
As the oven was engaged we ordered fish and chips for dinner,we are fortunate in that we have a really good chippy close at hand. The cake began to smell glorious and I could detect no smell of burning which was encouraging. At last...... the moment of truth......would it sit down in the middle....would it be scorched, as I opened the oven door I was practically twitching with nerves.....thank the Gods all was well. The cake is for a friend ands so I wanted it to be as near perfect as possible, I have my reputation to consider.
Night fell. I had done only half of the things I meant to do but, hey, what the hell, there's is always tomorrow. I hope. Just one thing bothers me still. Where the heck is that blasted recipe, no doubt it will appear next time I am searching for a recipe for bara brith..
I have lust remembered that I posted the missing recipe on my blog a few days ago,I may be loosing my marbles!!!!!
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