The day began early as expected, even Pa was up well before my son left the house at eight thirty for has appointment with the doctor. I made coffee and while we waited for his return I made the stuffing for tonight,s dinner. The table was laid for breakfast and everything was ready by the time he arrived home. I had asked him to pick up a prescription for me while he was there, attached to it was a slip of paper demanding that I present myself for a blood test, a blood pressure test, a urine test and a smear test. Thank you very much Doc and a Merry Christmas to you too!
Since I am not due for a review of my medication for another month it can jolly well wait until after the holiday, I frankly do not have the time or the energy to go stravageing about the various clinics sorting that lot out. My doctor is in surgery only two days a week and the nurse who does the bloods is not there on those two days, this means that I have to make one visit for the blood pressure test and another for the blood test , pick up the urine sample kit and the go again the following week to hand in the sample and get the results as the blood test As for the smear test, for some reason this is done at a clinic rather a long way from where I live and requires me to take a taxi in both directions and takes up an entire morning. Quite what they expect me to do with Pa while all this trotting about is going on I do not know. The last time I left him at home alone I discovered him asleep on the sofa , the kitchen full of steam and the kettle on the verge of melting on the stove, I had been gone less than an hour.
I was not pleased then to say the least to receive this annoying missive and was inclined to have a mild.........rant. The poor messenger got the brunt of my displeasure and although it was not aimed at him he felt that my reaction was a little extreme. That calmed me at once and we settled down to a lovely breakfast of buttered crumpets and jammy croissant.
Once breakfast was over I began the merry task of getting Pa to the Hospital, we made it in the nick of time as he was inclined to dawdle. We need not have worried as the clinic was running late, as usual. Back home and I larded the brace of pheasant with streaky bacon, peeled on chopped the carrots, par-boiled the potatoes ready for roasting and prepared the sprouts, The apple and blackberry sauce I would make just before serving the meal.
Then then followed a very quick trip to deliver a loaf and then it was time for Pa's trip the the Doctor, there seems to be a recurring theme to today don't you think?
In the little spare time I had I placed the Christmas meat order with our butcher in Devon and ordered some pure wheat germ oil as we are all suffering from chapped skin and this is the best remedy there is for the problem. My son put in our on line grocery order and booked a slot for Christmas week at the same time. I have come to the conclusion that multi tasking is new speak for bloody hard work!
Eventually we were all safe at home and I am happy to say that dinner was excellent, we all had good appetites and did justice to the meal. The cat Twiggy picketed the kitchen in a most determined fashion, she adores roast pheasant and woe would betide me If I forgot to give her a share of the meal. Later she purred her satisfaction in my ear as I tried to listen to the news and I must say she sounded much nicer than anything they had to say.
During the course of the afternoon a series of huge parcels arrived for our neighbours who were , of course not at home to receive them and the living room began to resemble a warehouse, fortunately I remembered that we had their front door key so we took the liberty of cluttering up there living room instead of ours. Packages marked fragile have no chance in our house as both Pa and I have a habit of tripping over things, I should hate to sit down with a bump on a set of china dishes or some other delicate item.
Now the work is done and the house is quiet again, the bustle of the day is at an end and we are ready, all of us for an early night so that we are bright eyed and bushy tailed for tomorrow, But not until we have had a lovely long lie in.
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