The snow had just begun to fall as my son arrive home this morning and within a few minutes the lane was white. Within half an hour it was several inches deep and it was at this point that I remembered that I was in need of a odds and ends. To say the truth I was looking for an excuse to go gallivanting in the snow again. I waited until my son had gone to bed with his strictures about not going out side today ringing in my ears, and then leaving Pa snug in his cosy armchair I trundled out into the lane.
The snow was deep by this time but I bowled along with out any difficulty, my lights were on front and back which is more than I can say for a good many of the drivers I met along the lane. The ride was smoother than usual because the depth of snow evened out the bumps and holes which jolt me about under normal conditions.
My first call was at the pet shop, we needed cage liners for our bird, Charlie, I was by now totality white from head to toe, my fur trapper hat a great dome of snow. The girls in the shop fell about laughing, I was used to it by now having encountered similar behaviour yesterday. One of the girls said I looked like a snowman and I asked her to hurry up with the liner papers before I started to thaw out, and that made them laugh even more and I left the shop to the strains of We're waling in the air, and I laughed so much that I caused a small avalanche of snow to fall from my hat and in to my lap.
Feeling very intrepid I decided to push on further in to town to pick up some bacon, some how or other we had forgotten to take some out of the freezer last night and I had promised Pa a cooked breakfast. Extra flour was needed too so those items with some cheese completed my purchases.
Returning home was lovely, even though I was smothered in snow. I was not at all cold as I had on a thick waterproof fleece lined parka, thick socks and boots a fur hat ,scarf gloves and heavy cord trousers, I could hardly move for the weight of clothes. On the way I stopped to take some photographs in the lane, the snow was falling so fast and thick that I could hardly see a thing. I love the fuzzy blurry look that distance has when it is snowing, bare trees look almost like fur, there is a strange softness that is beautiful to me.
I was pretty fuzzy myself when I arrived home covered in several inches of snow, I had to shake myself like a dog before I could go on doors. Pa had hot coffee with a splash of brandy waiting for me and as soon as I finished it I set about frizzling bacon on the griddle, frying eggs and g toasting the oat cakes under the grill. The fresh air had made me ravenous and I ate the whole plate full and so I am glad to say did Pa.
Next came the serious business of making the date and walnut cakes, just deciding which recipe to use took ages but eventually I got them in to the oven without incident.
, and prayed for a good out come. All the while the feeders in the garden were full of small birds squabbling and jostling with each other for the best places , we added a good helping of meal worms to the feeding trays and extra fat block and raisins for my Lord and Lady Blackbird They were still feeding as darkness fell. I always leave the shed windows open a crack in winter for my Robin and the Blue tits have lots of nest boxes dotted about to roost in at night.
We had been planning to have some fish and chips delivered this evening but as the roads were so bad I made a baked cheese pasta dish, very satisfying on a cold night.
The cat Twiggy was literally out of her depth today, she took a flying leap off the top step ane more or less disappeared into the snow, she struggled out howling dismally and has not left the vicinity of the radiator since. Very wise.
To all who mush travel tonight I wish a safe journey, and a warm welcome at your destination.
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