Last night my son helped me to air the back log of blogs that I had been unable to post in his absence. I can write the blessed things but the method used to post them still baffles me. I am determined to master this problem, I will not be defeated by a damned machine!
Thus morning I managed to get the house to myself, my husband packed off to the shops, my son and a party of friends had departed to the pub where they spend the weekend playing dungeons and dragons... I thought!
No sooner had I covered the table with six dozen oat and treacle cookies cooling nicely. No sooner had I commenced to label the twenty jars of jam ready to store away when the phone rang. The pub, which has had more landlords in the past three months than there are midges in the orchard has closed, can they please come and play in the kitchen,....gulp............Yes of course they can!
Faster than a speeding bullet I tidied away the evidence and made ready for company, thanking my lucky star that I had decided to bake today instead of tomorrow and that I had baked more than usual. Actually it was rather nice to have them back,you see they always used to play here every other weekend, until I became unwell and my son decided to move the venue for my sake like the kind soul he is. I expect they will be here again tomorrow, which means a much earlier start to the day, the only fly in the ointment as it were. My husband is even less mobile than myself and getting him started in the morning is rather like coaxing a vintage car to start after it has been rusting in a garage since 1936 and with no chance at all of managing the Brighton run.
Still it is nice to have them back, they are a cheery set of people, they laugh a good deal and know how to enjoy themselves. Also it gave me the perfect excuse to go into the garden and leave the house work for another day, hoorah!
Dinner was fortunately cold tonight, pate and toast,lots of different cheeses and an enormous salad from the garden followed by iced cream. I may have to re–think tomorrow's menu....ho hum.....!
This afternoon I paid Homebase a visit and purchased a product which claims to repel rodents, the last purchase being a total failure I might add. Armed with this weapon I repaired to the strawberry bed and opened the container, I was assailed by a very pungent aroma of garlic, two things occurred to me at once, firstly that I had no previous notion that there were such things as vampire mice and the second that I had already tried whole cloves of garlic to no avail. Still I sprinkled the stuff about and am hoping for the best, a triumph I suspect of hope over experience!
The sunburned wanderer is now peeling in a most picturesque manner, looks as if he had been stranded in the Gobi desert rather than hill-walking and caving in Derbyshire. It certainly gives him a well travelled appearance and adds the air of a nineteenth century explorer to the usual trogladyte pallor that is the lot of the night worker. It will look great if it tans though.
Well thats all folk, stay cool if you can.
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