Well, my poor boy survived last night and returned this morning very tired indeed, his eyes looked like two tinned gooseberries. After breakfast and a chat he went hopefully to bed and thank the Gods within minutes the noise coming out of his room was similar to that made by a chainsaw.
Thankful for small mercies I set about the morning chores, not least of which is waking my husband, a task which requires patience and persistence far beyond the call of duty. Having at last managed the near impossible I celebrated by making a pot of tea and some nicely boiled eggs for breakfast. It was at this point that the post man arrived. With as much haste as a couple of disabled old codgers could manage we made a dash for the door.......success, my husband opened the door before he knocked....phew!
After breakfast I settled down to preparing the meat for our evening meal and cleaning up the kitchen. As I was planning to wash my hair my husband delayed his trip to the village in order to for stall any delivery men from hammering on the door,and again he was fortunate. Mission accomplished he set of and I went upstairs to get on with the ironing, all the time keeping a sharp eye on the window I was soon obliged to go in search of coat hangers, I wonder where they go when they disappear? The moment my back was turned there came a violent hammering at the door, it sounded like a party of stormtroopers at least. Desperate to stop him from knocking again I got to the door in record time by missing my footing and landing with bump, thankfully my fall was broken by a large shopping trolley. I managed to open the door before he knocked again and took the parcel with as good a grace as possible. That thank the Lord was the last visitor of the day.
Other than these events the day has been very pleasant. I picked still more gooseberries and pottered about the garden.
The bird population has soared as each day newly fledged young appear at the feeders, young robins abound, starlings, and a lot of hooligans they are, and for the first time this year young Dunnocks are popping in and out. I feel so lucky to have such riches on my doorstep, long may it last.
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