As was foretold the dungeon master held court in the kitchen again, they are such a great bunch, I wish I had somewhere a bit more spooky and dungeon-like for their game. Still, with all the wine flagons bubbling and the jars full of pickled limes, cherries in brandy, oranges steeping in vodka and damsons in gin all looking remarkably like the work of Baron Frankenstein they seemed quite at home. It is good to have so much laughter in the house again.
The warriors ordered pizza in such quantity that the poor soul who delivered it staggered down the path collapsing occasionally under the weight, and thus fortified had a great time killing each other at every opportunity, whilst those of us not engaged in daring deeds ate a quiet lunch in the orchard, and later visited the local garden centre.
All went well until I decided to water the container garden at the rear of the house - the pots dry out so quickly in this heat. By the back door in a large pot there is a beautiful orange rose, it has the scent of cinnamon and at the moment is covered in flowers. While filling the pot to the brim with water I disturbed an enormous nest of ants, who were, not to put to fine a point in it totally brassed of at having been flushed unceremoniously from their abode. They headed straight for the back door via my sandalled feet. I had much ado to prevent the from invading the kitchen and causing mayhem amongst the noble company assembled round the table. I fought a lone and desperate battle against these marauders with the hosepipe on stun and at last I won the day. Rather unwisely I undressed upstairs and shook out my trousers, needless to say I am still finding the occasional we beastie in the most inconvenient of places. Still at least no one noticed......I hope.
Dinner was the quickest thing I could think of, I made steak burgers on buns with lots of caramelised onions and salad, followed by ice cream and lots of very cold fizzy mineral water to drink. Back to the treadmill tomorrow as my son goes back to work, hey ho.
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