Monday, 7 June 2010


Having listened to our new Prime Minister's dark and direful warning of the horrors to come it comes as no surprise to discover that the Samaritans are now obliged, when conversing with a client to admit that suicide could be an option. After listening to Cameron this morning I think it may be a distinct possibility. Until of course you realise that he actually said very little to the point. Of course there was the usual rhetoric, then can the priceless line “We are all in it together.”

Speaking personally I do not recall having anything whatsoever to do with ordering the the cart we all find our selves in. Do you remember spending all the millions that seem to have vanished without trace, did I blink and miss some vital detail? Perhaps I have this wrong, didn't the banks speculate in dodgy markets with money that should have been invested safely. Didn't they deliberately lend money to people with no hope of repaying the loans,for the sake of their personal gain? Didn't the bank executives cover up these mistakes at the highest level. I am very sure that the then government bailed out these institutions with money they did not have, and I am equally sure that no one asked me if I minded. The banks that were nationalised by the Labour government have declared large profit s and paid out bonuses and dividends, hang on a minute, if I paid for the banks to be saved the I must be a shareholder? What's going on?
One thing is certain Brown and Cameron have one thing in common,the determination to make us poor saps pay for the questionable financial practices of a very small section of the community.

Now we know where the buck really stops,it stops with us!

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