I was disturbed last night by a party of disgruntled England supporters who had presumably been drowning their sorrows at the pub in the village. Now I am not at all interested in football, cricket is my game, but I do watch the occasional match if it's important,and I have to say that my sympathy last night was all for the poor fans.
What can I say, the England team played like a bunch of old ladies, as you can see I am trying to be polite,Iv,e seen better football played by school boys,and that,s the truth. I am very sure that if their wages depended on how well they played they would probably play with more spirit, they do not have the incentive to do well,they as get the same money win or loose. Representing ones country does not amount to much compared to the huge advertising contracts these players have. I can remember when football was played for the love of the game and not the love of money. Names like Bobby Moore, Jimmy Greeves, the Charleton brothers Nobby Styles, I could go on. Wayne Rooney is a brilliant player, the like of which has not been seen since the phenomenal George Best but if he can not learn to control his temper he might as well be playing with a wooden leg! The players today are like a pack of arrogant prima donnas, in fact they behave like a bunch of wags. Until football clubs remember that the fans are the soul and heart of any team the people who turn up to watch will continue to be disappointed.
I was I tad sleepy this morning and had a little trouble getting off the blocks, it took two cups of tea and a coffee to get me started but since then all has been well.
First I made the bread, two batons, a baguette and two large bloomers. The while the kitchen was smelling wonderfully of baking I made breakfast, poached eggs on toast.
At last I made the steak burgers,and very nice they were with onion rings and a huge bowl of salad,I should not like to have face my son if anything had gone amiss this time, they are a great favourite with him.
I found a few early raspberries today and some lovely ripe red currants. these with some strawberries, wine berries and some frozen bilberries will decorate the Pavlova. I am making for my husband tomorrow as its fathers day, its his favourite sweet,its also a breeze to make.
Of course now I have said that I shall most likely drop the blessed thing on the floor and be obliged to serve it as Eton mess. I shall reveal all tomorrow.
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