Remember I told you I had written to my local council about the church yard,well, today I received a very derisory reply, and a warning that if I published their feeble response I could be prosecuted. The contents of the e-mail did not contain any secret information, it just said that, “in the event of the subject of my e-mail being out of their jurisdiction I would not get a reply.” I am still trying to work out what that means. In order to avoid confusing these simple minded souls any further I intend to send copies to every department, surely then I will discover just who deals with cemeteries. As yet I have not heard from my local councillor, perhaps he to is having trouble tracking down the person responsible.
The latest casualty in the garden has been the young kale and cabbage plants, they are being marmalized by young wood pigeons this afternoon I erected yet more nets and wires in an attempt to prevent further damage.....faint hope! I do have a great recipe for pigeon pie though so all may not be lost. As long as I don't want to serve them with kale or cabbage.
I am beginning to detest gooseberries, it always happens at about this time of year. Today I picked four pounds of the..***** things and got scratched to pieces, I look as if I have been wresting a cougar! Later in the day I topped and tailed the little blighters, I have to tell you that all those gooseberries and a pair of embroidery scissors amount to a do it yourself nervous breakdown kit! They are now in the freezer and will shortly help to set the strawberry jam.
The salad plants are doing extremely well this year, the oriental mustards' just on ready and they look so pretty in the salad bowl.
I am so very glad that I let myself be talked into getting a computer. Now I no longer have to sit shouting at the stupid remarks of shifty politicians on television, I can fire broadsides at them from the comfort of my snug little bed. No one is warned! With one of these machines a little old lady has as much clout as a prize fighter, it's lovely.
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