Today I did an on line grocery order for the first time, what a performance! I could have go to the supermarket, filled two trolleys and waited at the checkout for half an hour and still had time for a coffee. Yes, I know it was my first attempt but I do think the Tesco web site is rather odd. For a start they deny all knowledge of products that you know they stock, just order fruit jelly and you will see what I mean .You find the same lack of logic in the categorising of products as you do in the store. When I tried to order cake decorations all I got was decorated cakes, and a load of rubbish they were, never mind I shall just have to make my own chocolate drops. No doubt when I get used to it I shall sing its praises.........I expect.
The strawberry season has just begun, yesterday the first bowl full made dessert for my son, he loves strawberries, so about a fifth of the garden and a couple of tubs are planted with them. Last year I made over sixty jars of strawberry jam and we ate them until we got sick. I gave so many away that the neighbours pretended to be out when they saw me coming. All hands to the preserving pans, oh that reminds me, I had better order extra sugar this week.
A bit of rain is good for the garden and it is even better for the gardener,as she can have a lazy day and not have to worry about dry containers or dying seedling. Of course the slugs will be back with a vengeance but, hey ho, there is a snake in every Eden.
I had a last look around the garden this evening after the rain had stopped and suddenly all was well with me, the silkiness of a rose petal or the feel of warm earth in your hands beats the hell out of a computer keyboard any day.
From slugs,snails and badgers,
And long hungry caterpillars,
And things that go munch in the night,
Good Lord deliver us!
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