I love warm weather,generally speaking,but not when I have lots of hot and bothersome chores to do . All week I have been hot and could' nt be bothered , and today the birds came home to roost,all the chores had to be done at once.
Bed making, never my favourite job at the best of times, today it was a nightmare, half way through I stopped for a cup of tea,I think a gin and tonic would have done more good but the last of the gin has damsons soaking in it for use as a cough cure in winter. After that there was the pleasure of an enormous pile of ironing, the job I detest most in all the world,I would rather clean out a septic tank, I kid you not. Just in case you were wondering I have actually cleaned a septic tank so I speak with conviction,its a nice wholesome task compared to the hated ironing. In a state of collapse I decided to go for a buggy ride.When I got to the river I saw four geese with a total of nineteen goslings between them, ten minutes later a kestrel took a newly fledged blackbird just s few feet away,she stayed on the ground for a full three minutes being mobbed by two jays and the adult male blackbird,guess who forgot to take the camera , so you will have to take my word for it my darlings!
On my arrival home I discovered that I had stayed out longer than I intended,and was obliged to cook dinner against the clock,what fun. It turned out rather well much to my surprise,although a lot less complex than usual. Definatly not my finest hour. Some days you just can't win.
Then I went into the garden and, behold,the badger had stayed this flipping great paws, the garden was immaculate, no great holes, no wilting lettuces.The flower garden basked in the cooler evening sun and looked heavenly,and my son had remembered to upload some favourite tracks on to my M.P.3 player,life is great after all,and there's always tomorrow,if the Gods allow.And so, in the words of Pepys, to bed.
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