Thursday, 3 June 2010


Yet again we watch with horror at the mayhem that one man with a grudge and a gun can cause. Yesterday we heard what a quiet man Derek Bird had been, today all that has changed and although it seems that he had in his own mind reason for his actions it does nothing to dispel the horror of it all. The truth is that any one of us at any time could be the victim or under extreme pressure the perpetrator of this type of of dreadful crime.

There can never be a good reason for taking a life, that's easy to say when in a rational frame of mind, people like Derek Bird and Michael Ryan were not rational when they killed. Nothing any one can do or say can explain an event such as this and nothing any one can do will stop such a thing happening again. The shock and pain will live in the minds of those involved for ever,for the rest of us, we shall forget, until the next time, perhaps that is after all, the real problem. I saw a man shot in the head some years ago, it has stayed with me ever since,but over time the picture fades little by little, until something like this happens .My heart goes out to the victims, their families, and the people who just got caught up in this awful business. I hope that time will soften the sharpness of their pain, though I doubt it.

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